Raising the compression?


Active Member
#1 could be anything. Where abouts is the plug in the engine bay ?

#2 is the plugs for the two idle control solenoids on the back of the plenum. The parts the fit onto are colour coded to match the plugs.

#5 as above, looks like the starter motor positive feed.
And yes, you can just plug those vacuum hoses up. Just make sure they don't leak.
If you look a little closer, you can actually remove one of them (one of the bigger ones), that runs back to the fuel tank.



Rattle Advice

Hi everyone, just had a recon gearbox, transfer box and a new clutch fitted, now i have noticed a faint rattle from the engine when its started from cold, sounds like the big ends to me but its only there for about 1 - 1.5 seconds while the oil pressure builds up, the pressure sits about 6 - 7 bar when cold and 3 - 5 bar when up to temp, would it be worth putting a new set of shells in as i'm now skint after replacing nearly the whole drivetrain and cannot afford a engine rebuild for a few months, thanks in advance Paul


New Member
Sounds like the big end, mine started off as a faint tapping and gradually turned into a really loud tapping on start up which could then be heard if you rev'd the car to about 3k rpm.

Being honest I wouldnt worry if its only light just know, just keep an eye on your pressures and you should be okay. Yes it will get gradually worse if you dont fix it, but the extra time will allow you to save up and go for the full rebuild.


Thanks for the advice. I'll keep an eye on it (or an ear) if it gets any worse i'll do the shells i could do with it lasting the summer really as i want to rebuild with forged internals and i have to get some cash together.

Can the shells be done without taking the engine out?


Active Member
to all you straight cut box owners

I got another gearbox which needs to be identyfied(hopefully). I will add some pics to make it easyer, LOL. All i know that originally it came from UK and that's all. All the cogs have ingravings on them, they start with 1494_..... Maybe that will help!?

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Fusion Ed

Active Member
That is not a straight cut box. But it is a dog engagement box. Could be a quaife? I think they did a helical dog box for the pulsar? Cant remember now.


more than likely to be qauife no one else makes them any more as far as am aware could also be trust basicly same as qauife as i belive that qauife sold directly to trust in japan and sold it as there own

only other options you got is par , bekker,ppg but to me that looks like a qauife not sure what gearboxs bekker did though

if its broke its more than likly to be par though lmao


Active Member
To micra ed: my bad, dog box!(i did had a straight cut as well just got mixed up)
Mr gtir, nope the other one had no markings
mascot, it's broken all right 3rd and 4th gear!!


starting problems

Can anybody help me i wos going to castle combe on saturday, when i came to my car it would'nt start and when i did it wos running like a bag of old bolts. I have run a fault check and i comes back with 34 det sensor 13 engine temp sensor and 11 crank angle sensor. I have had it running drove for about a mile then cut out when it wos running alot of black smoke from back off car and strong smell of petrol. I have taken spark plugs out and they are very wet so seems like no spark. I have only had car for around 6 weeks and for most of the time i have been working on fitting new turbo cause when i got it turbo had blown.

Please help:cry:


New Member
Help with what mate?

You've already said you've identified the problems!!

"comes back with 34 det sensor 13 engine temp sensor and 11 crank angle sensor"

Try changing a few of these things first and see how you get on.


Active Member
Bad news, it's quaife. Sent a mail to quaife and got replie that they did not engrave numbers on they'r gearsets. Anybody else???


I have had a play with wiring, taking connectors off and cleaning up and cleared fault code 11 and found that a large connector by top of gearbox that does'nt connect propally and by looking i think its the one that connects to the det sensor and engine top sensor. The connector is grey in colour could somebody tell me if this right. The car does sart up now but still running bad


New Member
your problem sounds to be GROUND (NEGATIVE). check grounds, clean them up, tried to connect a direct ground or negative cable from battery to head, distributor, intake manifold and block.
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could of been one of there earlyer ones from qauife not sure if that would change the number situation though

the old quaife was trouble if i rember rightly a few pepole complained and i had one lose reverse and 2nd on me that was the old design though

have your tryed asking par worth a try for nothing maybe ask mr gtir as he his running par might show pics of his box in the memers gallery


New Member
mascot said:
have your tryed asking par worth a try for nothing maybe ask mr gtir as he his running par might show pics of his box in the memers gallery
I'm off to the gym in a mo but i'll try and post some pictures of my gearset tonight when I get back.