Raising the compression?



A couple of the pipes that run under the inlet manifold from the black vac box have the same holey over covering pipe, If you get my drift lol.

My car is now a maze of pipes even though I'm trying to cut done and simplify the layout.



Active Member
Odin said:
My car is now a maze of pipes even though I'm trying to cut done and simplify the layout.

I know what you mean. I have all these blocked off hoses everywhere that need removing. I'll try and tidy them up when I do my DET sensor.



Thought i better update this thread. The problem was with the clutch bracket that attatches to the bulk head, 3 of the 4 spot welds had broken away, so the bracket was flexing hence getting less clutch travel.
We managed to access the spot welds by removing the wipers and the plastic panel that sits below the windscreen. So we didnt have to remove the dash. Got a pretty decent weld from there, but may still strengthen it from the insde if i ever have the dash out for any reason.
Dont know how this ties in with the gear selction getting worse when hot, maybe after driving for a long time or sitting in traffic the bracket was flexing even more, getting even less clutch travel.
Anyway cheers for everyones input :thumbsup:
Oh and if anyone trys this remember and have someone on fire watch inside the car lying in the footwell, with the garden hose on standby :lol:

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Jonesy said:
The problem was with the clutch bracket that attatches to the bulk head, 3 of the 4 spot welds had broken away, so the bracket was flexing hence getting less clutch travel.
lol I’ve had that too, glad you've sorted it and its been a cheap repair, not often you can say that for a GTiR


i had a members car in not long ago with the same prob, i ended up removing the clock assembly etc and welding it through that aperture but was sh1tting myself hoping it never went up in flames (theres a lot of wiring there)
good idea is to get a water mist spray and spray the carpet etc so it cant catch light.
i also welded in a re-inforcing bracket to the existing one and the bulkhead.
not a nice job though and i fcuking hate welding at the best of times.


I know im just glad it wasnt the box or clutch.
Ill probably re-inforce it a bit better if i have the dash out in the future.
Never thought to dampen the carpet first, was shitting it to, only had to use the hose once though:lol:
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Adam L

New Member
Gearbox clip?

I've just taken my gearbox off my engine, r.e my other thread about gear selection. The release bearing was on properly, but at the bottom of the casising I had this just sitting there

It looks like some sort of retaining clip to me, but I haven't got a clue how to fit it. Anyone know what it is and how to fit it?


Adam L said:
I've just taken my gearbox off my engine, r.e my other thread about gear selection. The release bearing was on properly, but at the bottom of the casising I had this just sitting there

It looks like some sort of retaining clip to me, but I haven't got a clue how to fit it. Anyone know what it is and how to fit it?

That fits into the clutch fork it holds it onto the clutch fork pivot.


Adam L

New Member
Ah, i've just noticed the 2 notches on the fork, just trying to figure out how to fit it now. I'm assuming this would cause the gear selecting problem I had...


Adam L said:
Ah, i've just noticed the 2 notches on the fork, just trying to figure out how to fit it now. I'm assuming this would cause the gear selecting problem I had...

I wouldn't guarantee it no, I'd still get the box checked over while its out.

The spring wire doesn't look in very good nick so I wouldn't reuse it myself, Buy a new one otherwise it will just keep popping off.


Adam L

New Member
I never had a problem with the box before hand. I've bent it back to what should be it's original shape and see how it goes.


New Member
Running without propshaft?

Odd question maybe but is there any downside to running without the propellor shaft? Apart from losing drive to the rear.

My Rasheen is the same underneath as a GtiR (hence I hope it's OK to post this question here) but with a 1500cc engine. So it needs all the help it can get.

I'm considering taking off the propshaft to make it FWD, losing some drag on the drivetrain. Then the VC can probably come out as well. (If left in, would it ruin it?)
It looks like the car needs to be up high on a lift but it's just bolts and nuts to undo.
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New Member
Adam L said:
I never had a problem with the box before hand. I've bent it back to what should be it's original shape and see how it goes.
If you are not going to check the box Adam, I would at least get a new fork, bearing and clip... I was looking for an invoice that I have (somewhere) to give you the prices and p/n's but I can't lay my hands on it.:oops:


Braveheart said:
If you are not going to check the box Adam, I would at least get a new fork, bearing and clip... I was looking for an invoice that I have (somewhere) to give you the prices and p/n's but I can't lay my hands on it.:oops:

I agree, It's a lot of work to rip it all out again for the sake of maybe a £100 for a new bearing and clutch pivot arm.
