Raising the compression?


New Member
i guess maybe another little test to run , would be comparing highest attainable speed in each gear ... i.e standard box hits redline at say 30 mph in first whereas the quaiffe with its closer cut gears only gets to 25 mph in first ..

anyone shed any light on these figures ?


New Member
Just to update, I removed the propshaft and the car runs pretty much as before. (Propshaft weighs in at 15.5kg) Next to come out will be the viscous coupling / transfer gear. Apparently that's a heavy item too.


why dont you just fit a gti gearbox and convert it to fwd, properly?
surely thats the easiest way to do it, you may need the gti hubs and driveshafts though as they will be different!


New Member
markweatherill said:
Just to update, I removed the propshaft and the car runs pretty much as before. (Propshaft weighs in at 15.5kg) Next to come out will be the viscous coupling / transfer gear. Apparently that's a heavy item too.
I find it strange to consider that the car is running "pretty much as before" having removed the drive to the rear.
What do you want to use the car for at the end of all this?


New Member
Well, apart from no drive to the rear, the car does run pretty much as before. I hope for something more noticeable when I take off the transfer gear. Apart from a big oil leak, that is.


New Member
markweatherill said:
Well, apart from no drive to the rear, the car does run pretty much as before. I hope for something more noticeable when I take off the transfer gear. Apart from a big oil leak, that is.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, need to source shaft bungs but it must be more complicated than that.
If not, i would like a FWD pulsar.

Adam L

New Member
Ok, i'm back to square one, and i'm just stumped now. I took the engine back out yesterday, for a 3rd time just to refit the clutch. It's the OS twin plate so I used a different sequence for the friction plates (which happened to be the original position because I could just about make out the wear marks on the flywheel.

I fitted it all back up and in the car yesterday but it got dark fitting all the wiring back. I've just plopped the battery on and hooked up the relevant plugs I needed to turn the engine over and it still won't engage gear.

I'm getting desperate now as i've spent so much of my spare time working on my car and i've run into a massive problem like this.

Anymore options are welcomed, I don't know what the **** to do now.


New Member
burn it :lol:

only thing i can think of is what i said earlier mate and thats put the helix on and try it.. but then you will have to change the flywheel aswell.. :doh:

i have a funny feeling that its not the clutch though..?

Adam L

New Member
Yea, it's major hassle changing the flywheel over just to try another clutch. The thing is, the pedal feels fine and the release fork is moving once the pedal is depressed.

If it was insured I could burn it:lol:


New Member
yeah was ganna say, if it goes into when the engines off, but not when its running, would make you think its something to do with the clutch..

red reading

Active Member
put the car in gear with your foot on the clutch and brake and turn the car over,if the car goes to move then your clutch is at fault,bent clutch fork perhaps?

Adam L

New Member
Fixed it, I don't know why I didn't try what Mark said in the 3rd post:lol:. I adjusted the pedal and it got much stiffer, much like Dan's when I tried his pedal compared to mine. Anyway, fired it up and got it into every gear.
gearbox fitting

I have just changed my clutch and have got the gear box almost back on but it's just the last inch that's causing me a problem. Any tips?

Adam L

New Member
Put a bolt in the front of the box because it's easiest there, and start to tighten it up, it'll pull the box onto the engine. Do the same on the back once you've got a few threads worth into the side of the block.


New Member
road test? 8)

glad you got it sorted, must say im surprised it was that. BUT if you didnt take the box off you wouldnt have noticed that fork pin was still sitting in the bottom of the casing :lol:

Adam L

New Member
turbodaily said:
road test? 8)

glad you got it sorted, must say im surprised it was that. BUT if you didnt take the box off you wouldnt have noticed that fork pin was still sitting in the bottom of the casing :lol:
That's the last time I let Ali G help me work on my car:lol:

I'll road test it on Thursday, i've got some pipes coming off ebay tommorrow, I hope.

Fitted the exhaust up earlier, sits nicely, should sound the bollocks too:-D. Did all the driveshafts and put the wheels back on too, I just need to bolt up the propshaft and I can take it off the fecking axle stands it's been living on since last year:lol: