Raising the compression?


New Member
The part your talking about is it the grey metal bit (poking out of the rubber boot) that is on the side of my box?



New Member
samgtir said:
Yup thats the piece, its really loose and rattles, is this a box out job to repair??
Yes it is and that's your clutch fork as I said it was in my first post.

If it's loose then it sound like you may have punched or cracked the fork. I'm sure you said you have a new one in there when you changed your clutch?

Taking the engine out is easy. In fact i'm putting an engine back in tomorrow for someone in Southport.


New Member
It did have a new fork I got a new one for free from a mate at nissan pity I didnt pay for it or I could have had it done under warranty, ive had to buy a 1.2 clio today as im moving to winchester on the 27th and cant see my r being done by then, a mate has offered my a grand for my motor as it is, im unsure what to do!!!!! thankyou very much for your help at least I know what the problem is.


Active Member
djdoc360 said:
also if your sitting at idle and your boost gauge reads -400 or better, it shows you engine is making a good vacume from all 4 cyl..
Better as in -200 or -600 ?


New Member
if it drives fine and hasn't got smoke pouring out from the exhaust why are you even worrying about it ?


New Member
Keira said:
if it drives fine and hasn't got smoke pouring out from the exhaust why are you even worrying about it ?
Take that advice.
The neg vacuum reading is a rough guide line but not writen in stone.
I notice a big change. -300 to -700 when I changed my induction setup from panel filter to Apexi 80mm intake.
If you have conserns, the most reliable test would be cylinder compression.


New Member
Braveheart said:
Take that advice.
im sure, instead of just enjoying the bloody things whilst they're working fine, people feel like they're missing out on something if their gtir doesn't have a problem so go looking for them :lol:

my road car was one of the most reliable cars i've ever owned 8)

i've seen 2 odd failures on sr20's that were smoking their tits off but were holding compression fine, test showed good compression, leak down test, all seemed fine, change of turbo to a known good one, still smoked their tits off, engine came apart, ringland gone :(

Tbh, even stevie wonder would know if there was an issue with one of the pistons :lol:

If it smokes bad, whether whilst being driven or on idle, theres an issue, if it doesn't theres nothing worth worrying about, alot of them with standard engines will puff a little bit at high rpm on gearchanges these days but they're getting on abit now ;) If my heartbeat gets up in the bpms im puffing like a good one aswell but that doesn't mean im off down the doctors worrying that i'm about to give up the ghost :lol:

This isn't a dig at anyone before any panties get in a twist but it cracks me up tbh to see people pulling out a compression tester and a paper clip to run a fault code everytime theres a slight misfire, puff of smoke, odd noise etc.ect. Stop worrying about it, you'll soon know when something does go wrong :lol:

If the bloody things is driving well, isn't knocking its tits off and doesn't create a carbon footprint the size of chinas where the hell is the problem :lol:
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Staff member
Keira said:
im sure, instead of just enjoying the bloody things whilst they're working fine, people feel like they're missing out on something if their gtir doesn't have a problem so go looking for them :lol:

my road car was one of the most reliable cars i've ever owned 8)

i've seen 2 odd failures on sr20's that were smoking their tits off but were holding compression fine, test showed good compression, leak down test, all seemed fine, change of turbo to a known good one, still smoked their tits off, engine came apart, ringland gone :(

Tbh, even stevie wonder would know if there was an issue with one of the pistons :lol:

If it smokes bad, whether whilst being driven or on idle, theres an issue, if it doesn't theres nothing worth worrying about, alot of them with standard engines will puff a little bit at high rpm on gearchanges these days but they're getting on abit now ;) If my heartbeat gets up in the bpms im puffing like a good one aswell but that doesn't mean im off down the doctors worrying that i'm about to give up the ghost :lol:

This isn't a dig at anyone before any panties get in a twist but it cracks me up tbh to see people pulling out a compression tester and a paper clip to run a fault code everytime theres a slight misfire, puff of smoke, odd noise etc.ect. Stop worrying about it, you'll soon know when something does go wrong :lol:

If the bloody things is driving well, isn't knocking its tits off and doesn't create a carbon footprint the size of chinas where the hell is the problem :lol:
100% agree

just enjoy

oh, and whilst on the subject (sort of) another thing puzzles me

whats the point in owning something like this and not driving it, I just don't get why some see the need to "tuck it up" and store it in the warm and dry over the winter :der: whats that al about ??

get out and drive, thats what it's for :-D


New Member
stevepudney said:
whats the point in owning something like this and not driving it, I just don't get why some see the need to "tuck it up" and store it in the warm and dry over the winter :der: whats that all about ??
dont you know they will definately break if they go out in the cold :lol:

tbh, i dont see why anyone would try to convince themselves that these heaps of shite will ever be seen as a classic. They have no heritage, no place in rallying history and absolutely nothing going for them what-so-ever :lol:


Active Member
Keira said:
dont you know they will definately break if they go out in the cold :lol:

tbh, i dont see why anyone would try to convince themselves that these heaps of shite will ever be seen as a classic. They have no heritage, no place in rallying history and absolutely nothing going for them what-so-ever :lol:

and complete fcukwits own them :der:


Active Member
My point being if the rough guide he put up for having good vacumm at such a such - vacuum is obviously a load of bollocks everything in my engine is running sweet as can be very good compression and runs good i have problems with my R, just not in the engine i dont need to look for them.


Active Member
And who is storing their car up for the winter i think i might of missed something in the post cant see anyone talking about storing their car and not wanting to go out and enjoy driving it ?

My gearbox is ****ed and is getting taken out today and im in summer and dont really get bad cold enough weather to call a season here winter so that rules me out, so who is that aimed at ?


New Member
Keira said:
dont you know they will definately break if they go out in the cold :lol:

tbh, i dont see why anyone would try to convince themselves that these heaps of shite will ever be seen as a classic. They have no heritage, no place in rallying history and absolutely nothing going for them what-so-ever :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ahhhh... just breath in that cool air.
There fun and take up as much time as a jigsaw puzzle addiction.
If you have the time, use it and if you treat it like sh1t it will break.
I'm afraid mine will be a pile of spares at the end of it's life and no doubt a source of parts during... ;-)

If your car's performing ok... enjoy it and feed it fluids and parts.... :doh: :shock: :lol: