jpward said:
if everyone's so sure there is not one one the car why has there not even been 1 reply as to what it is when the R cuts fuel as the same when the Speed liniter kicks in???
as i've already posted, straight out the manual the only mention of any fuel shut off is.
deisel weasel said:
Fuel to each cylinder is cut off during decelaration or operation of the engine at excessively high speeds.
anybody that has the 118mph limiter on there car still is experiencing fuel cut, that is governed by the ecu and the speedo out readings if iirc, when you wire in a speed-delimiter you wire in between the speedo and ecu, it doesn't go to the maf circuit.
There is absolutely no mention of any fuel cut as a safety measure to prevent overboost in the manual, the only form of boost control from the ecu is through the knock sensor and the standard wastegate solenoid.
If the standard solenoid is gone, which it will be if you run a boost controller the ecu can no longer limit boost if det is detected and away you go until it goes pop.
if a fuel cut was present, it would prevent you from doing this, just like it limits speed.
On another note the 200sx fuel cut comes in at just over 1bar iirc so it would make sense that nissan use that across the board, so you'd expect it to be the same on the gtir, which it isnt

it doesn't make sense that its any higher, certainly not 1.7bar which as i have said i managed accidently