


So even on the remote chance that the FCD actually works, you'd still have to be a mong to buy one.

You think its a good idea to fool the ECU into thinking you have lower airflow ( and making it fuel less ), so you can pump in more air ( without metered fuel ) ?? WTF !!! :D:D:D

The FCD will work on a boost signal or map sensor, neither of which we have. It WILL NOT work on an AFM.


Still waiting on some shims!
WOAH!... You guys rembled on for 9pages until after 3am... :shock:

IF a FCD was to work as I discussed with Ross back on PAGE 2... It could take its cut reading from the MAF Voltage and cut out at a certain MAF voltage... That would work...

The only reason i beleived there to be a Fuel Cut on the GTiR in the first place is because it was listed by the likes of HKS for the GTiR... Not only that but it was sold and fitted by some of the most reputable tuners... However using a Piggyback or Replacement ECU would eliminate the need for an FCD...

From all the posts it seems that most of this club have stated that they are running 1.2 to 1.4bar without ANY form of fuel management (even though i find that hard to believe) therefore proving that there is NO Fuel Cut on the GTiR...

Now please let this be the end oif this pointless topic... :lol:



Still waiting on some shims!
Dooie Pop Pop said:
so you give in then?
No... Off course not... I can't be wrong... How could the OC survive if i was wrong and Jimmy was right... :shock:

TBH my beliefs were soley based on the fact that HKS actually listed the item for the GTiR and also the fact that when i got into GTiR's about 5 years ago, reputable tuners had them listed and regularly fitted them to their customers cars...

In conclusion... If i'm wrong... Then so are HKS, which is where i got my info in the first place 5 years ago... :roll:


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
maybe they just accidentally assumed it would need one and made them anyway :lol:

on the other hand.... the tuning industry has got absolutely nothing on the fishing trade when it comes down to pointless bits and pieces and misinformation ..trust me on this :lol:


New Member
RishiGTiR said:
running 1.2 to 1.4bar without ANY form of fuel management (even though i find that hard to believe)
you are quite welcome to pop down to kent and have a look for yourself :wink:

It has run 1.3bar for 2 years, has spiked and held 1.5 a few times when trying to get the avcr to work properly and Mike was in the car laughing like a girl when it hit 1.7bar whilst setting the overboost, obvioulsy not an ideal situation to see 1.7bar on a standard car but at no point did the car stutter, falter, pop, bang, whiz, cut out or do anything else other than pull like a train :shock:

only reason it slowed was cos i s.h.A.t myself :shock: :lol: :lol:


nice to get a ( kinda ) decent tech conversation going for once though 8)

Who want to argue about the fact that 5 inch tailpipes make your car slower ? :D:D:D


Still waiting on some shims!
deisel weasel said:
RishiGTiR said:
running 1.2 to 1.4bar without ANY form of fuel management (even though i find that hard to believe)
you are quite welcome to pop down to kent and have a look for yourself :wink:

It has run 1.3bar for 2 years, has spiked and held 1.5 a few times when trying to get the avcr to work properly and Mike was in the car laughing like a girl when it hit 1.7bar whilst setting the overboost, obvioulsy not an ideal situation to see 1.7bar on a standard car but at no point did the car stutter, falter, pop, bang, whiz, cut out or do anything else other than pull like a train :shock:

only reason it slowed was cos i s.h.A.t myself :shock: :lol: :lol:

Oi you cheeky git you took that out of context... :D
I said "It seems that MOST of the club seem to be running 1.2 to 1.4bar without ANY form of fuel management..."

I wasn't singling you out and i wasn't dissagreeing with what you say you are running... Its quite believeable...

After fitting an A'PEXi S-AFC a few years ago i went to set it up at 1.2bar but on checking the AFM saw that it didn't need any adjustment... I only needed 3% extra through peak torque to run 1.4bar...



New Member
AJ4 said:
Who want to argue about the fact that 5 inch tailpipes make your car slower ? :D:D:D
course it would, the extra metal used to get the bigger diametre tail pipe would weigh slightly more than a 3inch, thus your power to weight ratio is affected, thus your car is slower :wink: :lol:


RishiGTiR said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
so you give in then?
No... Off course not... I can't be wrong... How could the OC survive if i was wrong and Jimmy was right... :shock:

TBH my beliefs were soley based on the fact that HKS actually listed the item for the GTiR and also the fact that when i got into GTiR's about 5 years ago, reputable tuners had them listed and regularly fitted them to their customers cars...

In conclusion... If i'm wrong... Then so are HKS, which is where i got my info in the first place 5 years ago... :roll:

What i spent most off last night trying to explain :wink: but some people cant understand it EVEN when i showed them the tech sheet from HKS :lol: :lol:

OK so rather than spending another night about this;

The consencis is that yes hks FCD has an application for the R
yes the R has a fuel cut (though apears higher in different cars)
and no you dont apear to need one to run 1.2 bar (unmoded)



jpward said:
yes the R has a fuel cut (though apears higher in different cars)

You still don't get it do you :roll: , You stupid numpty :roll: :roll: .

There is and has never been a fuel cut on any gtir, You name one person that has had there R cut it's fuel???????? :roll: .

I'v had two and early 90 reg and my current 94 reg and guess what non of them ever cut there fuel even when I ran over 1.7bar by mistake on the first one :? :roll: . :roll:

I look forward to your reply matey , I hope you come up with something better than HKS list one :roll: .



Mine does and with 2 different ecu's you'd need a five point harness to stay in the seat and more guys on this topic have posted the same :wink:


New Member
deisel weasel said:
AJ4 said:
Who want to argue about the fact that 5 inch tailpipes make your car slower ? :D:D:D
course it would, the extra metal used to get the bigger diametre tail pipe would weigh slightly more than a 3inch, thus your power to weight ratio is affected, thus your car is slower :wink: :lol:
:D :D :D I must totally and utterly disagree ,the 5 inch tailpipe is a stretched 3inch so obviously weighs exactly the same :lol: :lol: :lol: It's the 3 inch thats slower than the 5 inch,the 5 inch is alot bigger and therefore must flow more efficiently :lol: :lol: :lol:


lock this thread! i am bored with it like, settle differences on the track! lol


The standard factory boost is 0.65 bar, shouldn't the fuel be cut at just over that then ?

If most people can run at 1.4 bar with no problems, then the limit has to be higher than that.... So why the f**k would Nissan produce a car that runs 0.65 bar max, and fuel cuts only over 1.4 Bar ???


New Member
fuel cut is used on some cars, nissans included to prevent overboost and the problems that would cause. i.e. detonation

The fuel cut will obvioulsy happen at a boost level that is higher than the factory boost level but not so high that you will blow up the engine, if it did that it would be pointless. The fuel cut will have a severe enough affect on the car that even the thickest of drivers will notice that something is majorly wrong, it would be pointless having it if you could drive the car completely oblivious to the fact that the car is over overboosting

this does not happen on the gtir, it will happily boost away until it goes bang :(

the service manual does mention fuel shut off..


Fuel to each cylinder is cut off during decelaration or operation of the engine at excessively high speeds.

i dont read that as overboost :wink:


Shaun said:
It's the 3 inch thats slower than the 5 inch,the 5 inch is alot bigger and therefore must flow more efficiently :lol: :lol: :lol:
But.... gas temperature and density drops as it passes down the exhaust, and increased temp and density makes it flow better ( hence exhaust lagging ). Therefore, a good exhaust should actually get smaller, the further away from the engine it is to keep the gas velocity up.

Also, as the gas enters the 5 inch section from the 2,5 inch section, the gas rapidly expands and slows down, causing an obstruction :D:D:D

Sorry, was just a nice change from FCD's :D:D:D


AJ4 said:
Shaun said:
It's the 3 inch thats slower than the 5 inch,the 5 inch is alot bigger and therefore must flow more efficiently :lol: :lol: :lol:
But.... gas temperature and density drops as it passes down the exhaust, and increased temp and density makes it flow better ( hence exhaust lagging ). Therefore, a good exhaust should actually get smaller, the further away from the engine it is to keep the gas velocity up.

Also, as the gas enters the 5 inch section from the 2,5 inch section, the gas rapidly expands and slows down, causing an obstruction :D:D:D

Sorry, was just a nice change from FCD's :D:D:D
Couldnt have put it better myself only you left out the negative wave principle! :wink:
and Table as follows

Bhp-recomended OD (in)
140>200-2 1/4
180>235-2 1/2
230>280-2 3/4
280>360-3 1/2

Extract from tuning manuel also states an engine of 217bhp in tests lost 1.6% power going from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 so rough guesstamate on the 5' would suggest bigger losses.