Results for TOTB:
Redline TOTB 6 in association with Millers Oils
Trophy and Awards list 2007
1/4m Class Winner FWD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
James Hodson VW Golf 11.69s 128mph
1/4m Class Winner RWD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Nathan Freke MR2 10.41s 133mph
1/4m Class Winner 4WD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Andy Forrest AFPerformance Subaru 9.27s 156mph
1/4m Class Pro-Drag –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Tim Webster Duke R33 GTR 8.74s 156mph
Handling -Class Winner FWD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Eddie Wilmott Honda CRX Turbo 40.85s
Handling -Class Winner RWD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Tony Pearman Elise Type R 37.02s
Handling -Class Winner 4WD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Olly Clarke RCM Subaru 36.66s
Top Speed Class Winner FWD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
(Awaiting confirmation)
Top Speed Class Winner RWD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Joel English Dodge Viper 203.9mph in 1 mile
Top Speed Class Winner 4WD –Trophy and £50 Millers Oil Voucher
Mick Begley Jun Lemon R33 GTR 202.8mph in 1 mile
Redline TOTB 6 Pro-Drag Shootout Winner- Trophy Tim Webster Duke R33 GTR
1/4m Drag Shootouts
FWD Drag Shootout winner James Hodson VW Golf
RWD Drag Shootout winner Joel English Dodge Viper
4WD Drag Shootout winner Andy Forrest AFP Subaru
2WD final- winner Joel English Dodge Viper
Main Awards
Redline TOTB 6 Top Speed Champion - Joel English Dodge Viper 203.9mph in 1 mile
Redline TOTB 6 Handling Shootout Champion - Tony Pearman Elise Type R
Redline TOTB 6 1/4m Drag Shootout Champion- Road class- Joel English Dodge Viper
Redline TOTB 6 Team Award Team Subaru/
Runners up MLR, 3rd place Team Skyline
Redline TOTB 6 Champion- The Overall Winner- Olly Clarke RCM Subaru 30 points
(1st overall handling 36.66s, 2nd overall 1/4m drag 9.59s 148mph, 5th overall top speed 194.1mph in one mile = 25 points plus bonus 5 points awarded for finishing in top ten overall in each event)
Runner up Simon Norris ND Evo 16 points 3rd Place Mick Begley Jun Lemon GTR 15 points
Additional Trophies & Awards
Nitrous Solutions 24ct Gold plated Nitrous bottles
1/4m Drag Shootout Champion- Road class- Andy Forrest
Pro-Drag Class Shootout Champion Tim Webster
Japanese Performance Magazine
1. Fastest Japanese Car 1/4m –subscription to magazine Andy Forrest AFP Subaru
2. Highest Top Speed for Japanese Car- subscription to magazine Mick Begley Jun Lemon
3. Quickest Lap Japanese Car- subscription to magazine Olly Clarke RCM Subaru
ERL Aquamist Water Injection Systems Fastest Car
For the quickest 1/4m Class cars using ERL Aquamist water injection system.
FWD tbc RWD tbc 4WD Paul Blamire Zen Performance Impreza
AET Turbos- Fastest Non-Tuner cars 1/4m Drag
FWD James Hodson RWD Joel English 4WD Mick Begley
Turbo Dynamics –for competitors using TD Turbo- Trophies
FWD James Hodson VW Golf RWD Neil Booth Westfield Megabusa Turbo
4WD Andy Forrest AFP Subaru Handling Olly Clarke RCM Subaru
CG Lock- safety seat belt lock
Handling shootout Champion Tony Pearman Elise Type R
Drag Shootout Champion- Road car Joel English Dodge Viper