skyline v pulsar - u decide!!


New Member
down here in new zealand i rip GTST's 24/7 with my standerd gtir and now i quit racing them coz they just...........weak:twisted: i cant really see why ppl compare these 2 cars


boots_n_braces said:
I cant say ive driven any of the skylines, i have however spent a far few trck hours in the passenger seat of a friends. IMHO there technical masterpieces and no more, much like the latest evos, the buggati veyron etc etc. they look big on paper and there easy to drive fast because you drive them not 'drive them'. much like the difference between 4wd and rwd or gravell and tarmac. Sure 4wd on tarmacs the easisest to lap at speed, the real skill and funs in rwd on gravell were the drivers doing the hardwork.

For me this is were the pulsar wins theres nothing doing the work for you its all driver skill. Traction control i can understand but the latest evos have got so many stability systems they put an f1 car to shame! Add on fly by wire acceleration, self levelling suspension and ever improving abs and were goijgnt o end up with a situation were its not a case of how good your are, simply how reliable is your system and how much faith have you got in it
You NEED to drive an R32 GTR !! clearly ! FAR more involved than my Pulsar ever was. I could be a complete hooligan in the Pulsar ... drive like that in my 32 and I'd be dead already.

My car regularly tries to get out of shape - and you constantly have to be "switched on" to drive it properly. Anyone that says Skylines do all the work for you have no idea what it's like to drive one. Admittedly I do own the one which is said to be the most "raw" and the hardest to drive quickly (because it gets out of shape more easily) ... but they ALL have to be respected or they bite you in the ass.

I do agree with you on the EVO point though ... the latest models are becoming easier for "average Joe" to drive quickly.


New Member
You cannot compare a GTR32 to GTiR
That is 2 league already
Power wise and handling wise is way much different

And GTiR is designed for rally purpose in it mind
so you can guess why it feel like inside a sardine can when you drive it at high speed

a GTR is build as Sport Car in mind
so comfort and power still there..
that why the car is bloody heavy and Solid feel

Given a Choice i will Pick up a BNR32 over RNN14 anytime
if i cruise highway a lot with high speed.

if I use the car on the street and City Driving..
RNN14 will be my main choice
Small car will have a parking advantage at busy city
2 liter will have better fuel comsumption than 2.6Liter car any time
Different people different choice

Here at my country
Even you driving a Real GTR 32 . people still tought it is R32 GTS
since so many R32 GTS convert to GTR front and rear

It a Dream if you can Own Both Car