skyline v pulsar - u decide!!



Fire & skill said:
this is laughable!!

a gtst is a sidestep? :lol:

i can see the point if we are talking about an R33 GTST with the 2.5 but an R32 with a 2.0l RB20?

what an absolute joke.

in case you's have all forgot - the Gti-R and the R32 GTR were developed together and at the same time.

its a step up mate, you will enjoy every minute of owning one
What a moron. They are COMPLETELY different. So they both have 2 litre engines - but that's the end of the comparison.

You can get loads of 2 litre cars - so shall we compare ALL of those to a GTI-R as well ? Perhaps we'll compare some 2 litre diesels as well.

The fact is, the Skyline is a GT car ... open roads, etc. The GTI-R was designed as a nimble/agile rally car - 2 completely different concepts, 2 completely different environments and 2 competely different ways to drive them. This is what I meant by it's a "side-step". They may have the same engine capacity, but that's where the comparison ends.

I've owned a 300+hp GTI-R, I own a 32 GTR, i've driven a 32 GTS-T and I've driven a 33 GTS-T and there is NO WAY IN HELL the GTI-R was the better car. Skylines are FAR more fun to drive, take to modifications as well if not better than GTI-R's and are far better built. I admit that standard skylines can feel very sluggish - due to the size/weight of the car. Most GTI-R owners do not leave them standard .... well, surprise, surprise, not many Skyline owners leave Skylines standard either. Do a few choice modifications on them and they respond incredibly.

I loved my GTI-R, but I would not go back.

Not THAT many people have gone mad with the RB20DET in the UK, but it can be tuned - like any other RB series engine.

I think a few people here need to open their eyes a little. GTI-R's are great cars, but they are not the best thing out there (and to many people, nor are Skylines.....I know a lot of people who've gone from Skylines (BIG power ones) to Porsches ... and again, they wouldn't go back).


Fire & skill

Vintage member
never said they were the best thing out there!

but the FACT is the gti-r was built by nissan motorsports to race just as the GTR was

and the gts-t was built to carry the family around or to travel to work in

i can understand you defending the car, and dont get me wrong im not saying its a crap car. the question was is the Gti-r a step down? i think i already answered that.

i'll forget the fact you called me a moron there was no need for that - im trying to be diplomatic.
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Fire & skill said:
i'll forget the fact you called me a moron there was no need for that - im trying to be diplomatic.
Correct, and I apologise for that.

We are going to have to agree to disagree, because I don't think the GTI-R is a step-up AT ALL.

Reeper - you want fast acceleration ... you'll find the same issues with a stock Puslar as you will the 32 GTS-T (unless you just want to play at launching). From a rolling start the 32 GTS-T will perform very similar a stock Pulsar. Of course a 1 bar Pulsar will be quick ... but then, a 1 bar 32 GTS-T will be MUCH better than what you have now. The Pulsar will be easier for the average driver to launch though.

You've asked a GTI-R forum which is going to be better - and it's pretty obvious what the response is most likely to be (whether they've driven a Skyline of any kind or not).

Best of luck - whatever you decide.



GtiR`BoD said:
400bhp pulsar been out in one nothin compares matey! good luck! 8)
There are plenty...last week I met a bloke at Goodwood who had a modified cossie engined Caterham ... 380hp in something that weighs as much as a flip-flop.

I watched Mick run the Jun Lemon R33 GTR at Bruntingthorpe - where he did a 3.6 0-60 and 183mph in the rain - with a damaged transfer box meaning he was running completely RWD. I also watched Tim in his NUR R34 post similar times and speeds.

I've been out in a 650hp R34 running a 2.8l engine and a T04Z turbo ... the thing accelerated in EVERY gear like it was in 1st gear - absolutely savage.

If you want the ultimate "out-of-the-box" track-day car you buy something like a Radical or the Westfield XT2 (or whatever they call it).

Pulsars are enjoyable to drive, but there are loads of alternatives .. it's all down to whatever floats your boat and how much cash you have to spend. If we all liked the same thing the world would be boring (it's been said MANY times before but it SO true).



At the end of the day it will all be down to personal choice.

In my opinion skyline's are not all that unless you spend the price of your average flat on them :roll: . I loved my R33 Gts-t which I owned for over 2 years it was a pretty fast and very well built 8) , but the GTR is nothing special unless like I said you spend big on them. My mate has a 650bhp one that was no quicker to a 100 mph than my 300bhp pulsar :? and seeing as the UK speed limit is 70mph I can't see the point of owning one :roll: .

The Pulsar is nothing special in the build quality stakes ether :cry: , they rattle shake and bits fall off :cry:. Thier are indeed far better cars out there ;-) , but I've yet to find anything that makes you feel like a pulsar does when driven hard or gives you that feeling of being connected to the road like these little 5hit heeps do 8) :-D ,

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Still waiting on some shims!
Thunder God said:
But I've yet to find anything that makes you feel like a pulsar does when driven hard or gives you that feeling of being conected to the road like these little 5hit heeps do 8) :-D ,


EVO VI RS2... Pretty damn good anyway...



Fire & skill said:
this is laughable!!

a gtst is a sidestep? :lol:

i can see the point if we are talking about an R33 GTST with the 2.5 but an R32 with a 2.0l RB20?

what an absolute joke.

in case you's have all forgot - the Gti-R and the R32 GTR were developed together and at the same time.

its a step up mate, you will enjoy every minute of owning one
if i remember rightly there was a clip of a r32 and a gtir going round a track at the same time on the best motoring video, skyline was faster on the straights but pulsar caught up on the corners


New Member
Well, I've had a 400bhp pulsar, which i loved, changed it for evo 3 which was about 320bhp which was a great car, sold it too some guy in sweden as they love there evos, got a r32gtr and was running 380bhp, I wasnt too impresed. I went back too evo 3 which I've still got & I've also got an r33gts2.5 which is 340bhp at moment on 0.8 bar & i find it great 2 drive & better than the gtr
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New Member
I down grade from GTS 32 RB26DETT to GTiR
never regret
even my gf said
GTiR is more fun to drive then the GTS RB26DETT
Both car is driven by my gf
i only able to drive it on weekly.. sometime not driving it at all for a month
since i maximise my company car as max as possible

it bound to your expectation and taste


Isn't that what its all about - FUN

......and a correctly modified Pulsar delivers big time in this area, especially down a small twistie road/lane, in all weathers.

Don't get me wrong, I love RWD too, I have the misses slow but Fun series 1 MX5 for that.

Also Re comparing it to a more expensive 4wd R32 GTR or even R33 GTR it depends how much extra money you willing to spend to get that little extra in FUN from the performance in the real world. Is the enjoyment level improved that greatly to justify the extra expense, and how often do you travel above 100mph in this speed camera'd licence eating (job ruining!) congested country?

I'll stick with the Pulsar until I want something approaching refinement and practical.


some interesting view points there...

but as it is im still undecided.... i think ill need to drive both an evo and pulsat to really get a feel...


As already said the Skyline and Pulsar are two completely different cars, you are comparing a tourer and a rally car. Having driven just about every Japanese sportscar available on a daily basis for over the last four years, I would say that the Pulsar is one of the most practical, cheap, economical and fun to drive cars out there if you are on a buget. Your other choice of an Evo is however one of the only cars I would consider replasing my Sunny with, the i ii and iii are amazing cars to drive if in nice condition, if you get the chance to drive an Evo vi makkinen or RS, you could well be tempted to try and find an extra few thousand.
The various comments on people being unimpressed with GTR's may be justified as my initial impression of a GTR was dissapointing, but they are heavy cars and therefore dont have that off the line go in standard trim (saying that a std pulsar has a lot of room for improvement). Like a "1 bar" modded Pulsar, however with a bit of tweaking they are amazing to drive and pull like a train forever!!
As far as skyline GTS's go, they really dont appeal to me, allways struck me as a stepping stone for people who want a GTR but cant yet afford the fuel and insurance costs let alone the car itself.
To sum up, I would deffinately buy a Pulsar as an upgrade to your rb20 powered GTS, but if you can find a nice Evo for around the same cash I would say that will be just as good a buy, and will handle alot better in std trim.
Hope I didn't waffle too much there.:oops: :lol:


New Member
as for insurance the gtst2.5 is mor than the the gtr module as iv had both cars & the insurance firm said the gtst are being crashed mor than the gtr due 2 the rear wheel drive & wher the pulsar wins on pick up the skylines win on top end .170mph & still pulling but i still lov the pulsar


cmng said:
I down grade from GTS 32 RB26DETT to GTiR
never regret
even my gf said
GTiR is more fun to drive then the GTS RB26DETT
Both car is driven by my gf
i only able to drive it on weekly.. sometime not driving it at all for a month
since i maximise my company car as max as possible

it bound to your expectation and taste
The GTS is an RB20DET(R32) or an RB25DET(R33/R34), the RB26DETT is only found in the GTR version of the Skyline bud;-) And i still wouldnt say its a downgrade if your having more fun in a GTi-R:roll:


New Member
I driving a GTS32 powered with RB26DETT ( Converted RWD )

not original GTS32 or NOR original GTR32 ( bloody expensive at here)


Well I owned a Pulsar for 2 years and loved it, and now my housemate has bought an R33 Skyline GTR and i've had the chance to compare.

In my opinion the Skyline is the better car, no question. It's better built, faster, handles better out of the box and has real brakes too - a novel point eh!

In straight line speed I would say my 315bhp Pulsar and his 380bhp Skyline would have been very similar. Those above saying it takes a 650bhp Skyline to match a 300bhp Pulsar are pure dreamers. Need I remind them the Skyline is only 250-300kg more and doesn't use draining full time AWD like the Pulsar so has less transmission losses?

After 80-100mph though there is no doubt the Skyline is the quicker car, it simply pulls and pulls and pulls in a way the Pulsar never could.

Which would I choose though?

That's a difficult one. If I could have a MINT Pulsar which didn't suffer from problematic clutches and dodgy gearboxes and ran higher power, say 350bhp or more then it would be the Pulsar. They simply have more character in my book.

But for anything else it would be the Skyline. It's a japanese icon for a reason.


going for an evo 3 now.. then when i can aford it ill get a 32 gtr...


I cant say ive driven any of the skylines, i have however spent a far few trck hours in the passenger seat of a friends. IMHO there technical masterpieces and no more, much like the latest evos, the buggati veyron etc etc. they look big on paper and there easy to drive fast because you drive them not 'drive them'. much like the difference between 4wd and rwd or gravell and tarmac. Sure 4wd on tarmacs the easisest to lap at speed, the real skill and funs in rwd on gravell were the drivers doing the hardwork.

For me this is were the pulsar wins theres nothing doing the work for you its all driver skill. Traction control i can understand but the latest evos have got so many stability systems they put an f1 car to shame! Add on fly by wire acceleration, self levelling suspension and ever improving abs and were goijgnt o end up with a situation were its not a case of how good your are, simply how reliable is your system and how much faith have you got in it