Sheepdog BOV

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
RishiGTiR said:
That chatter you hear is the forced air back down the inlet and coliding with the turbo blades...

Great if you can just bolt on a new turbo after every event :shock:

The HKS sqv also makes a fluttering noise similar to the WRC cars.


South West Regional Rep
Thats the noise I'm after, lady I know with a Starlet GT that sounds better than my mates T78 supra :doh:


this is really good stuff, one of the best technical reads ever...the gtiroc is really at the forefront of sr20 tuning with this discussion, simply amazing, ground breaking developments for the future of the gtir all neatly presented in 3 wholepages of a thread about the 'f.u.cking noise' a dump valve makes :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

awesome :thumbsup:


abyss said:
if you don't like it **** off its simple.
thats the thing i really like it, you guys are the best information source for all things gtir and may be able to help me out

i have a sheepdog that emits god awful smells when its blow off valve operates, i dont mind the noise but hate the smells :lol:

keep up the good work guys, at the rate you seem to be going you may realise its safe to run more than the dreaded '1bar' soon :lol:
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sorry fella but i dont have bucket fulls of gold, but i do enjoy driving the gti-r,do you think if i had the money i wouldn't already be sitting with more than my pants 1 bar. Go look at another topic if this one doesn't entertain you full stop.


instead of crying about being a peasent why dont you put your mongness to good use and through the power of words spell the noise a sheepdog blow off valve makes so in the future people will read this thread and have a rough

actually you could spell out the noise every blowoff valve ever made makes and have it as a sticky so people have a reference point..

i'll go first....standard dumpvalve at standard boost : fffffffffffffffffffffft


kenan said:
I'll go next

The noise of a muppet at full chatter:
Tro|| said:
*enter mumblings here*

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:


I know it may be "dumbing down" in your opinion troll but if you're stuck with a noise from your bov
you dont like then thats a fair bit of money to keep spending to find one you do like.:doh:

It may trivial to some but hey each to their own:p



South West Regional Rep
Sadly, the thing I like most about my GTR is the noise made by the twin BOV's when changing gear :der: I can be found pondering about with the window down listening to it :oops: And when I get an R I want one which will flutter so any input like this thread is right up my street.


kenan said:
I'll go next

The noise of a muppet at full chatter: [Tro||] *enter mumblings here* :p

that is actually very funny, atleast someone has a sense of humour and isn't so far buried up there own 'blowoff valve' they can reply with something better and more original than ' off' :thumbsup:

a decent recirc will get you that silly noise or dont run one at all, the turbo wont die a death over night because of it., a mate of mine hasn't run one on a gtir for over 4 years and the standard turbo only gave up when he started putting 1.5bar through it.


New Member
cheers :)

yeah its a awesome sound, that day was fun, but i broke my ARB link so handling was abit off...pmsl
Got my sheepdog bov, and yes its fantastic sounding.

Just wondering if the units can be stripped down for maintainence? am I right in thinking both parts ar pressed together and not screwed?

If so, then then cant be sripped without recking the thing.

Seem to get alot of the sound through the HKS filter but can see the valve opening when revving from idle.

Defo keeping valve if I ever sell the beast....