To every one who wants to take 10 seconds to remove a badge of any car use a bog spreader metal or plastic metal ones are easier but can scratch ive done thousands of cars this way you do not need to heat up and the soft residue left behind can be rolled off by using your fingers when sticky bits are wet its a lot harder to do than when its dry. can use credit card but i have snapped a few in the past few years plus metal bog spreaders are thinner and obviously harder(if worried about scratching with a metal one put a bit of tape over the end)
If they have been glued on with super glue use a razor blade to scrape of hard residue and polish up afterwards.(hold razor 90 degrees to panel while doing it and make sure its a brand new razor blade as a old one will scratch your car if you dont hold razor 90 degrees you will scratch the shit out of your car will need to 1000/2000a sandpaper and polish with farecla g3 or 3m super cut polish these are the 2 best that ive used with g3 being the best)
These are the things i do every day and its simple and easy to do properly by the time you have waited for the kettle to boil or got extension and hairdryer i could of stripped the badges off every car in your street.
Hope ive made badge removal easier for someone.