Raising the compression?


New Member
gtirx2 said:
What dump valve and what boost you running?I had a real early non adjustable hks bov on my car once and i think it was venting way to much air and creating loads of lag in between gear changes?
HKS Bov thingy, it's adjustable. tried a few different settings on it, no dfferent. Running between a bar and 1.6 bar - same on all settings.

Somehow to me it seems to be in the transmission rather than it dropping off boost. But then again I'm no mechanic!

Probably best to take someone out in it at a meet.


Active Member
isnt the pause in between gears the "real" definition of lag?

all the pipes have to fill again after the dump i think


Mine does the same if im driving with my foot to the floor. I have a HKS SSDQ thingy! I just presumed as said its the lag.


could well be lag, but on the other hand it could be a bit of clutch slip!
after giving the car a good ragging lift the bonnet and see if you can smell any burning where clutch has slipped slightly.


Active Member
Metallic whirring noise! ^^

Happens at nearly precisely 3750 revs, in any gear. I get a loud metallic whirring noise coming from the left side of the engine. Sounds like I got a bl00dy chav scooter at max revs in the glovebox! :shock:

Anybody got any idea what this might be?


Sounds vibration related like something loose rattling about, heatshield or something poss?
See if it still does it when you are parked up in neutral?
If it goes away again as you rev above 3750 its unlikely a bearing / box related, but if it gets worse as revs increase then maybe ay.
Hope that helps a bit.


Active Member
Hmm, bit late to rev the bolx out of it at moment. I'll try tomorrow. Thinking it might be something from old ac system vibrating maybe.


Active Member
It could conceivably be anything. You need to be more specific.

Has it just started to happen ? Or, has it been occuring since you had some work done ?

What turbo do you have ?

Is the fuel system uprated ?

When was the last time you changed your fuel filter, plugs, rotor arm, distributor cap etc.. ?

The BOV would only cause lag, if it wasn't closing properly or, not opening properly. If it was the former, you'd struggle to make full boost. The latter, you'd be getting compressor surge noises.

If you had retarded ignition, the car would be down on power as a whole.

Bob's one is quite conceivable too. It'll feel like the cars wheel spinning, and then just bites the road.



New Member
Has always been like that since I have had the car.

Brand new T28 with 360 bearings

Yes, SARD purple injectors and Walbro 255 pump. I have changed the pump within the last couple of months.

Just changed the lot except rotor arm as it was off road for 6 months.

It makes and hold full boost no problem.

Unsure if timing is retarted of not, but don't think so!! It's not down on power tho.

It's not the clutch slipping, as far as I know.

Like I say, prob best to take someone out in it at the next meet I'm at.

It's in Noble tomorrow for Unichip re-mapping so I can use my Z32.

Cheers Anyhow guys.


New Member
Could be overfuelling caused by the BOV/AFM, you could try recircing the SSQV to reduce the error in the AFM signal.


i know wat your saying mate pulsar was first turbo i owned and i noticed this straiht away its lag try changing gear slightly earliar you will notice less lag into next gear although there will always be a bit of lag there


Active Member
snoon said:
It's in Noble tomorrow for Unichip re-mapping so I can use my Z32.

Cheers Anyhow guys.
If they're any good, they'll sort the problem out. If they can't solve the issue, they shouldn't remap it !

As you're still running the stock turbo (the 360 degree thrust bearing simply aids reliability, not performance), I'd suspect it's just the characteristic lag from that.
You're asking a bit much from the stock turbo, at 1.6 bar. I'd suspect it's well out of it's efficiency range by then ?!
I'd suspect the MAF is well maxed out by then too ?!



New Member
The guy at AET turbo's said it is capable of running 2 bar.

I was under the impression that a Z32 can run over 400 BHP and I won't be over that?


Active Member
snoon said:
The guy at AET turbo's said it is capable of running 2 bar.

I was under the impression that a Z32 can run over 400 BHP and I won't be over that?
Ah yes, it may well be 'capable' of running that sort of boost but, it'll still be way outside it's efficiency range. As a result, it will be creating a huge amount of heat.

Do you have the Z32 MAF fitted now ? I gathered from your previous post that you didn't and that you were fitting it for the latest remap ?!
