Raising the compression?

Fast Guy

Staff member
gtirx2 said:
Fastguy the teeth are definatly 48/39 so god knows what these gears come out of?Where did you find that info was it that nissan fast thing or the workshop manuel?
Yep, the workshop manual lists all the ratios for the B13/N14s. I assume I have the UK edition.


New Member
Reverse light switch

How dose the reverse light switch come out of the gearbox,



Well-Known Member
Just undo the M6 bolt that holds it in and it should pull out ;-) I find the best way is to rotate it in the hole whilst gently pulling it outwards, if you try and lever it out the plastic usually just breaks off which im guessing you've already found out the hard way :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm disgusted my all your filthy minds, whats this site coming to :doh:

Also, dont forget when you put it back in to run a bit of oil around the inside of the hole as it dosent like being forced in dry :shock: :lol:


Active Member
There's also a 'contact' that sits inside the gearbox and rubs against the reverse light switch/sensor. Be careful not to forget it or, the switch won't work and, the little 'contact' will get lost in the gearbox.
clutch problem

Help please! I am no expert but i think my clutch has just gone, i always thought you got some warning i.e slipping, but today my girlfriend was just pulling into our street when she heard a noise and then could not get the car into gear. When the car is running and i press the clutch peddle down it makes a really horrible grinding sound the more i press the harder the grinding gets. When the car is not running the gears will not select and the peddle is will only press down half way with alot of force. What has caused this and what do i need to replace? I hope the gearbox is ok and it's only the clutch i need to sort out.


New Member
Could be a number of things! Assuming you have checked fluid levels etc.
Your clutch fork could be bent or the pivot point worn through.
Your release bearing has disintegrated or has come away from the fork.
Bearing is sticking on the splinnes on the shaft that it slides up and down on.

Hope it's not your box but either way, it's a bitch to get at and fix.
Keep us posted!
Not sure what clutch it is but my history from the previous owner shows it was replaced in 2004 and i have roughly done 15000 miles since then. Also have receipts for replacement master cylinder ect. Thanks for the fast response.