Police & Noise!!!!!!!


Big Sve said:
round here they give out section 59's (ASBO's for vehicles) because the exhaust is "excessive" and "Cause distress and disturbance". Nail you with a second and the car is towed and its at the discretion of the officer in question so if you get a bellend your screwed! i got one 2 months back, now i literally tick over through built up areas. Ive got same exhaust mate, listen to odin and keep the right foot light :thumbsup: ....know its hard but try!

Ditto on that one.. I got one within a week of getting my new pulsar :doh: Im just even more careful in town than i was before. The traffic cops that pulled me were actually alright about it, and as they realised i was giving them the respect they deserve and wasnt a complete **** then they were ok with me. Some of them i've met can be cocks, but most of them are alright.. So i dont tar all of them with the same brush by far.


South West Regional Rep
Odin said:
No but I've heard the stories matey, And read about your exploits in the local public toilets :shock: :der: dear oh dear you're a true ar5e shagging back biting legend around your parts :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .


You still on for our date then? :wuss:


kenan said:
You still on for our date then? :wuss:

Sure am sexy :thumbsup: Same place same time ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I'll bring the lube



Well guys cheers for all the help, am just going to put the smaller tail on it, doubt it will help the noise much but at least if i do get pulled it looks like i made the effort. I was creeping past them at the time, and couldn't have been more polite, maybe just cause they haven't seen the car in the area before.


I think myself quite lucky, as the police round where i live are rather leniant regarding modified cars, but then there is a rather large gathering of modified* cars that meet up at the coast regulary, so i imagine that the police have a level of tolerence for this.

But some of them drive like tossers all of the time, which has resulted in hump after hump after hump being placed on, what used to be, a very nice road to drive down. And recently there has been a couple of "raids" which involve most of the south shields police force. In these raids the police bring each car out 1 by 1, check for insurance etc and in extreme cases go into detail of mods on cars. But to be honest, if people weren't dicks rallying their french shit about, this wouldn't have happened. I just hope the police still continue to be leaniant for us that aren't pricks.

So the police are just trying to crack down on the nuisances, and others are bound to get caught up in it, but thats how it goes. If you are pulled just be polite, smile, nod, thank you officer, and be on your way, then call them all the shit in the world once they are out of ear shot. Dont create hastle for yourself.

Since i dont hang around with this modifying* crowd, i hope the attention is fixed on these guys and not me.

*modified and modifying in this case means generally badly done max power wannabe cover cars, mostly consisting of bling bling french shit. (in my opinion)


Active Member
sunny scott said:
You obviously didn't have a very good lawyer. If the police are charging you with breaking a LAW they need evidence to prove it. If they don't have factual evidence of you breaking a LAW, you can't be prosecuted against such LAW.

I once had a conversation with my local traffic police superintendant after being stopped for having small letters on my number plate.I basically had to tell him the LAW he was trying to enforce was incorrect and gave him the link to the dvla website which did have exact measurements that my plate was made to.
I also told him that i was not prepared to spend £10 getting my local garage to sign off the horte just because one of his officers didn't know what he was talking about. He told me he would get back to me once he had checked the information i told him ,as he obviously didn't know the LAW either, a couple of hours later i recieved a very appologetic call from him. one of the exact phrases he used was
"it makes us look a bit silly when we don't know the LAW we are trying to enforce"

There are LAW's about everything. if he can't prove, or simply doesn't know the LAW then he can't prosecute you under it.

Who would pay a lawyer for a minor offence like that?I don't know your background but do you have any legal training at all?A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing when giving out advice that can affect other people.


i have a straight through with a powerflow exhaust on my car, it is very loud, never been pulled by the cops, touch wood, but then again i dont drive like a looney infront of them, even my neighbours say its loud but they are kind enough not to complain

i agree with you guys though if you dont drive like a maniac then you wont get pulled, i remember over a year ago when i did not see the police due to a number of lorries covering them. the cars in the fast lane were doing 60mph so i decided to weave in and out of every lane and finally footing it over a hundred, next thing you know the cops were behind me luckily they only thought i was doing 98mph but couldnt prove it. 3 fat traffic cops were in the cop car, took my details and said i would be going to court. they had made up some of the story when i got to caught, but i couldnt do anything as its my words against cops, and lets have it guys who would they rather believe, so i had no choice but to talk my way out of a hefty fine and ban, i ended up with no points on the licence, £225 fine a 28 day ban for speeding and a 56 day ban for driving without due consideration, they both ran concurrently so i was only banned for just under two months, and to top it off when i got my license back it didnt even state that i had been banned, now that was lucky.

sorry if i have jacked the thread a bit


i still dont like them and never have

the police have never been there to help me
but always seem to be there if i do something wrong

i had out of date car tax by 3 days!!!and i had 3 policemen round my house???

earlier that year my windscreen was cracked at 2am by kids throwing stones, police was called and they said "they'd look into it"

****in joke

and yes they ARE overpaid. £22k +average a year for driving round in a 3 litre volvo parking up at every petrol station to grab a coffee and a quick read of paper! (dont say you havent seen it before)

i get 16k a year working 40 hours per week and i'll do 3 x as much work as them

i am just voiceing my opinion

absolute waste of tax payers money

end of..


zxczxc said:
i am just voiceing my opinion

absolute waste of tax payers money

end of..

Well in my opinion you're being a c0ck fella :roll: , They do a very hard job indeed one which I wouldn't want for any amount of money.

So you think 22k a year is good money for putting your life on the line everyday of the week do you :der: , So what if they came around your house about your tax disc :roll: , Try buying on time next time then might be the answer ;-) .



New Member
They have a very tough job. And they dont get paid enough. In your job, do you have to go through countless selection processes, then go training at a police training school for 3 months and then on to probation for 2 years before you know you even have the job in the bag? No. Thats why you are on £16k a year.

If you had the job of cleaning the streets of scum, trying to help the public, telling parents their child is dead, going to traffic accidents and running the risk of being shot these days to name a few, you would want more than £22k a year.

If you declared your car SORN or actually bought a new tax disc then the police wouldnt be round your house. If your tax or MOT are out of date it means your insurance is invalid and if you have an accident you are in the shit.


well said :roll: :roll: ive just started working for GMP and trust me they public might think they do f**k all just sit at macDs alday you are very much wrong i couldnt do there job espeicaly these days with more and more guns and knifes on the streets just look at the papers the other week cooper goes to this guys house in stalybridge (family arguments broke out) and gets knifed in the neck he nearly died and for what 22k plus we had a women copper the other day telling us that a mate was going to a accident in a van when the next min driving doing this road a women pulls out infront off him and really badly serious injurys him and her and now hes in hospital recovering that could have been the end off his life and for what 22k a year think ill just stick with my 45k a year lol (only joking) everything is paper work and more paper work rules for this rules for that we even as just support staff have that many rules its untrue


ME admin hahaha no dont think so ill stay where iam and maybe go and move over to driving side and leave the cleaning cars side of it mind you i get to drive fast fast cars all day long :car: :mod: :mod:
p,s 7am till 3pm is hard lol


zxczxc said:
and yes they ARE overpaid. £22k +average a year for driving round in a 3 litre volvo parking up at every petrol station to grab a coffee and a quick read of paper! (dont say you havent seen it before)

i get 16k a year working 40 hours per week and i'll do 3 x as much work as them

I think the problem there is more along the lines of you needing a different job! :lol: