Police & Noise!!!!!!!


i just dont like police.... never have,never will.

i would happily set fire to traffic pigs and feel no remorse while they slowly melt in front of me...

i hate them so so much......


zxczxc said:
i just don't like police.... never have, never will.

i would happily set fire to traffic pigs and feel no remorse while they slowly melt in front of me...

i hate them so so much......
No one likes being pulled over by them but they have their jobs to do the same as anybody else, They are also just people like the rest of us with wife's and kids at home waiting for them, And I find that if you treat them with respect that they will do the same to you.

To be honest in my experience the people they pull over a lot are normally a bit dodgy anyway, Ether druggies or local big mouth troublemakers who think they are hard :roll: , I know someone with the same attitude as you fella and he's as dodgy as they come, Into drugs stealing and everything :der: .

You try being a traffic cop for a day mate and after pulling your 10th dead child out of a car wreck see how you feel then, Its not an easy job and they get to see the carnage left by young boy racers and drunks :cry: , So please think before you say you'd like to set light to one of them for no other reason than you don't happen to like them :der: :evil: ..

Grow up for f*ck sake :roll: .



Staff member
Odin said:
Grow up for f*ck sake :roll: .

Rob, I think thats exactly his problem

..........and thats the first time I've heard of the Police Force being over paid :der:

Personally I think they do a bloody good Job............Yes, like Rob says, nobody likes being stopped, they are only doing there job and someones got to do it, next to teachers, I think they have one of the worst jobs going, dealing with all the scumbags. If you go treating anyone like that then it's hardly suprising they give you a hard time.



New Member
I'm with Steve and Rob on this one, there is a definite need for traffic police and they do have a job to do which I respect, I actually very nearly joined the Police to be a traffic cop.
I've yet to be pulled in my R, but I do reckon they'd say my exhaust was too loud, 'Goose with 5in tail pipe, it roars at any rpm. If I see a copper at the side of the road, I usually jam her in 5th and let it coast past, if you drive like a tool all the time then the coppers are gonna pull you.
My MOT tester said it was too loud and that if stopped by the police tell them it was an exhaust you've just fitted, he just made an advisory comment on my MOT test cert that the exhaust was 'noisy'


is there no way you could write to the manufacturer and get a certificate to prove that the system is road legal ??


Active Member
As far as i can tell, there is no decibel limit for any road exhaust, be it import or home grown. The only law you can break is the public nuisance one. Ergo, if you arent being a nuisance, you arent breaking the law. It comes down to common sense, I always burble through my residential area at 20mph and about 1200revs, and in 2 years have never had a problem. Likewise, the evo and the scooby a few doors down. The biggest problem round us isnt the jap power cars, its the chavved up french tincans that hammer around the place at 2am!

Anyway, try making friends with the traffic cops, they can be a great help if you get to know them, and a nightmare if you p!55 them off.


New Member
warringtonjack said:
Anyway, try making friends with the traffic cops, they can be a great help if you get to know them, and a nightmare if you p!55 them off.
It's better if your parents neighbour drives unmarked police car for a living. My mate loves my car :thumbsup:


slow down just writing notes hahahahahaha ;-) ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Big Sve

New Member
round here they give out section 59's (ASBO's for vehicles) because the exhaust is "excessive" and "Cause distress and disturbance". Nail you with a second and the car is towed and its at the discretion of the officer in question so if you get a bellend your screwed! i got one 2 months back, now i literally tick over through built up areas. Ive got same exhaust mate, listen to odin and keep the right foot light :thumbsup: ....know its hard but try!


South West Regional Rep
I'm sorry but the poilce have much better things to be doing than monaing at you because of your exhaust. Chances are you were driving like a plank etc to grab their attention, for which you were pulled. After they had pulled you over they check your insurance, mot and your recored and you came back normal so they let you off with a warning. Be glad they didn't give you a ticket for somthing becase belive me there is a long list of things they can prossicute drivers for.

I was speeding the other day and was puller over by two very fine officers, they checked me and the car and let me off with a warning (was doing 60 in a 40). I freely admitted to speeding, gave no excusses and treated them with the respect the deserve and got away with it, guess it's all luck

Big Sve

New Member
another person to make an assumption without a question, a sign of true ignorance. NO i wasn't speeding on this occasion and was just stopped by a copper having a bad day and under performing. im the first to admit im right foot happy in the right and safe place! if you do a little homework before piping up and tarring me with the chav brush you'll realise i come from north wales, home of the most target driven traffic force in the united kingdom. most of the coppers do a great job and use sense (it helps to keep the increasing idiot boy racer culture and stupid avoidable road deaths down here which is rising year by year) but occasionally you get someone who is under pressure to meet his quotas and will do you for absolutely anything to get the administrators off his back. your right it has a lot to do with luck if your not hammering it and asking for it, but also raises a very valid political point to why we occasionally get rough treatment from peels boys. just thought that needed to be said because its very easy to make an opinion when you see the world in black and white


South West Regional Rep
I wasn’t pointing the finger at you snappy :croc: :p but at drivers as a whole, when ever I' been pulled I can now see why (in my old age) . If we drive cars like ours we are far more likely to get pulled due to the "chav" element that ruin it for the rest of us.

They will pull people with just cause, or if they get a feeling about the car. I have been pulled weeks after being spotted speeding so they could check the car over, documents and the like. If you get jumpy when they follow or drive past you then thats enough. I'd be happy to get pulled everyday if it meant all the uninsured drivers etc got caught but even when they do nothing happens. The numbers of traffic cops is on the decline and they are tasked with other work than chasing speeders so chances of being pulled by one is now reduced.

I'll ask about the noise issue and see if I can find anything out as I'm intrigued now as both my cars are loud.

Big Sve

New Member
kenan said:
I'd be happy to get pulled everyday if it meant all the uninsured drivers etc got caught but even when they do nothing happens.

The numbers of traffic cops is on the decline and they are tasked with other work than chasing speeders so chances of being pulled by one is now reduced.
first point highly agree, and even if they do get caught they get a ban! A ****ING BAN!! they dont have a licence in the first place hows that going to work!

Second point not so much as traffic numbers are actually rising here, im all for that. however, like i said with the enforced and unreasonable targets they have to meet makes their effectiveness reduced and is highly critised here!

In north wales we have one of the worst young driver death rates of any other place in the country. this is due to young lads getting in too powerful cars on very dicy roads around the hills and country thinking there big vin. but what mr brunstrom seems to ignore is that enforcing unfair targets actually risks more lives as poor drivers are more likely to panic when they see a police car rather than realsie they are there to protect motorists and peds alike!

apology one sorry for being snappy just very hot topic up this way

apology two sorry for hijacking thread :thumbsup:

ill put me soap box back in the cupboard now


South West Regional Rep
No probs, it's easy to take things the wrong way on here............

It's funny what people get way with. A drunk, no mot or insurance diver killed a man by pinning him to a tree and then left the accident. When caught she got a whopping £150 fine and a 2 year ban, £70 of which went to the farmer for the tree. Now if I was caught without insurance I'd get hammered let alone killing anyone , makes me sick. The police work their ass off catch criminals then the judges do feck all :(

I'd better shut up now or I'll get all wound up just thinking about it.


kenan said:
No probs, it's easy to take things the wrong way on here............

It sure is you useless c0ck munching homo ass ramming f*ckwit loser ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) .



kenan said:
You must of met me before :doh:
No but I've heard the stories matey, And read about your exploits in the local public toilets :shock: :der: dear oh dear you're a true ar5e shagging back biting legend around your parts :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
