Noisey noisey exhaust = £30 fine?!?!?!



I thought the MOT could only test for "Exhaust Leakage" and not the actual noise level as i ve had no bother with them b4 :?


SVA test is supposedly 101db . If it was that or under surely the plod can't fine me?


Still waiting on some shims!
When i was last stopped for the noise i just asked the Police to find me an exhaust that would be suitable for my car and i would use it...

He let me go...



New Member

Over here I was passing through a town up west ( Ennis, Co. Clare) and crawling through traffic.
Noticed at lights a cop car was down one side waiting in traffic, they heard my rumble (Full Goose, 5" Tail) and came through red light for me!!
I was stopped at next lights and they flew up mddle of road and said pull over now.
So calm as you like I said no problem, they say exhasut very loud, I said true but it just passed NCT (Irish MOT) last month with no problems. He grumbled a bit and told me to change it. I said grand and that was it, he took details and said no more.

That's all grand you say, until 5.5 months later what come sin my door??? A Summons for loud exhaust! I mean the bastard didn't even say anything only get it changed now good luck!
So a day off work, a 2 hour drive to the court (was up the country that weekend) and on with my best suit to give that judge the details.
Exhasut was not measured with DB meter, just cops opinion it loud. Still researching the exact law rule but be interesting... 19th May anyway, I'll report with feedback.

Yes it is very loud, but still think they need to prove it exceeds a certain limit instead of going on their opinion....


ported manifold, 3" stainless straight through from turbo back, 1 insignificant box where cat used to be, loud as feck, never even get looked at by the police.:thumbsup:

Fire & skill

Vintage member
paz said:
For the sake of £30 though, you have to ask yourself the questions:
(a) Is it really worth it?
(b) Can you really be arsed?


i really have to disagree with you mate :nono:

be it £30 or £3000000 its the principal

stick up for yourself , if you dont do it this time they will persist on being Knobbers :der:

like Rishi says, tell them to find a suitable exhaust for your car and you'll happily fit it


Just had a quick look at the fine. Doesn't say I can appeal it. Just says if I don't pay within 28days then I will be reported to the procurator of fiscal.


Jim_1979 said:
Just had a quick look at the fine. Doesn't say I can appeal it. Just says if I don't pay within 28days then I will be reported to the procurator of fiscal.

You can always apeal tickets usually means it will be heard in court unless you can act quick and get the authorities to drop it as they do sometimes if they know its gona be a fight!


Active Member
Fire & skill said:
i really have to disagree with you mate :nono:

be it £30 or £3000000 its the principal

stick up for yourself , if you dont do it this time they will persist on being Knobbers :der:

like Rishi says, tell them to find a suitable exhaust for your car and you'll happily fit it
That's fine, everyone's allowed their own opinion - the problem is when it comes to Traffic Police and Magistrates, its always wrong :doh:

However if it gets dropped, credit where its due :)
