Noisey noisey exhaust = £30 fine?!?!?!



I got stopped last night in my new pulsar by the traffic feds. They gave me an on the spot fine for bluddy £30 for the noise of the exhaust!!

Fair enough it was 12.30am, but I had just driven back form manchester, so there wasn't much I could do, as I did need to get home!!

Here's what I got given along with the fine .....

Regulation 54(2) states:

Every exhaust system and silencer shall be maintained in a good and efficient working order and shall not, after the date of manufacture, be altered so as to increase the noise made by the escape of the gases.

The charge against you is quite simply that your cehicle has been altered and is significantly noisier than the vehicle was manufactured.

It should be pointed out, however, that should you comply with the fixed penalty by paying the fine of £30.00 but persist in using the vehicle whilst the exhaust is noisy, then you could be liable to an anti social behaviour order. If granted the effect could unltimatley mean your vehicle being seized and you being arrested.
Should you require any further information .... blah blah blah ...

That's a bit much is it not? So basically no exhaust can be changed if it means the noise level is going to increase form the manufacturers standard exhaust??



Crikey...I got stopped a few weeks ago for a small numberplate, the officer never said anything about my exhaust though.

Crazy stuff


I have a mongoose exhaust. I assume it's also de-cat, but not sure at the moment as I've just got the car.

A bit mad tho! The mr2 was about the same if not slightly louder and they never bothered me once!! Stupid traffic cops!

They can bog off.... I'll pay the fine and that's it. It's not like I drive around and around th town late at night. Was just bad timing as to what time I returned home.


I have a full mongoose and will have a de-cat soon, the car isn't that loud, especially on idle.

Deffinately heard alot louder Corsa's, Saxo's etc...


Will the 5" tailpipe part of the exhaust make a difference to the sound level? It is pretty loud tbh.


New Member
mines decat, got pulled over the other day for tiny front number when i pulled away i gave it a little boot, they never even looked


it measured 101db at 3000rpm

Is that loud for an exhaust??
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I've got a de-cat mongoose on mine but I've never had a problem with the cops.

I was stopped a few years back cos they thought the front tints on mine were blacked out!!!!

Fancy getting an ASBO for a noisy exhaust - How stupid is that?!!


I know... one of the coppers was alright, the other was being a plonker.

I said I could maybe get a bung for it. He replied saying "how about getting an exhaust for it" ........ LOL! cheecky feck!!

Was probably just bad luck and the time of night.

Fire & skill

Vintage member
seems like they obviously dont know what kind of car you have matey - they have taken you for a corsa chav, i'd protest against the fine, surely the std exhaust is loud?

significantly louder means - excessively i.e 1.2 corsa now wielding a peco BB4


See.... I was thinking of arguing the case.

He asked what car it was, I told him and he replied saying ....

"ah... I don't have that on my list"

I honestly think if I could find a decent solicitor who knew his stuff I could get away with it. There are no figures or anything on my fine. It just stated exhaust too loud??!?!

Fire & skill

Vintage member
you def have a case - i'd protest all the way, those coppers were just being pricks - your car was designed for rallying.

they seriously dont have a clue - dont let them tar you with the same brush as the corsa crew

Fast Guy

Staff member
Jim_1979 said:
and shall not, after the date of manufacture, be altered so as to increase the noise made by the escape of the gases.

The wording is ambiguous to me. The exhaust has been altered to allow the gases to escape easier, a side effect of that is it's louder. It hasn't been altered to deliberately make it louder and no other reason.:doh: