I think what Red rice rocket is trying to say is that the gudgeon pin for the piston will need to sit high into the piston
or it will go past the top of the deck. The increased sweep would run standard piston through the top of the deck
if they had the standard gudgeon position in the piston. Note this is all assuming the con rods are the same length as standard. Alternatively they could make shorter rods and keep the gudgeon in the same position and risk even higher side loadings :roll: thus needing even better liners.
Note the standard con rod will be experiencing far higher loads then in short stoke motor due to increased angles(due to larger sweep) and increased acceleration and deceleralation due to increased sweep :? .
Piston speeds would be much higher too. I think you will find 8000 rpm
in 2.4 stroker would have the same piston speed as 8750 rpm
in 2L normal motor. So if you revs these things they will wear out quicker :? .
Mark(my 50 cents worth)
Note the standard con rod will be experiencing far higher loads then in short stoke motor due to increased angles(due to larger sweep) and increased acceleration and deceleralation due to increased sweep :? .
Piston speeds would be much higher too. I think you will find 8000 rpm
Mark(my 50 cents worth)