Good point!!!!SWEET! So are they also gonna polish up our cars to show us how good their products work?
Obviously they will want to get good rep' from such an envolvement!!! :-D
Good point!!!!SWEET! So are they also gonna polish up our cars to show us how good their products work?
Nice one..if my cars done and engines built ill come on over as its local for me
2 members Added..put my name down been going since it started about time there was
a pulsar stand. plus its five minutes away bonus being in northampton...
Ok to them who are attending this show.. i now have £40.00 worth of Hilt Hamber cleaning gear to give away
including Auto balm wax/ Auto Clay Bar /and Auto wash and clothes and wax applicator,,
I was hoping to get all members a little sample..but i got sent full size products ,,So on the day or before the show >?( your call)payed up members to this meet only ,,
will have there names put into a hat and whoever gets pulled out gets the goodies...
And before Admin tell me off... this stuff was a gift to me,,,8)
Spotted on my way out last year :thumb:but still trying 2 get across the pond 4 this it was the best show i was at last year :-D
nice photo andy have u any more of it from the showSpotted on my way out last year :thumb: