How much is this worth - Leather interior


The problem with these cars selling so cheap is that R's are in the chav price bracket.....and that means that awful interias like that are becoming far more common place :(

I say burn it!


a simple post and it turns into a F U C K I N G S L A G G I N G his interior off why the hell do u lot reply if u carnt say anything good then i would just keep what u called ur mouth S H U T whats the problem with keeping what u have 2 say 2 ur self is it that hard peeps r 2 quick 2 S L A G stuff off on here never been on a site like it these days


gimme standard R seats anyday, they're bad enough at holding you in place when they're not frickin' slip slidy leather!



New Member
Pete said:
a simple post and it turns into a no way S L A G G I N G his interior off why the hell do u lot reply if u carnt say anything good
cos its a public forum and people can say what they want about bloody seats.

if people get upset cos someone makes a joke or a comment about their seats then they really should lighten up.

if i was asked face to face what i thought i'd say the same thing, its not a personal attack on the guy it just means i dont like his seats.

i'll go away and cry now that sickboy took the p ! ss out of me the other day :cry:


New Member
kieron's just getting all touchy because it his 2 year aniversary on this site tomorrow and he still has no friends:lol:


New Member
All i asked was how much is it worth, not if you like it or not.

The reason being is im unsure if i like it myself and yes the seats are slippy when cornering hard.

1 thing i dont get, is the point somebody made about being a chav for having leather seats :?

Why because someone wants to have leather covering the somewhat drap interior does that make them a chav.

Fair enough everyone has there own opinion, but to call me a chav because i have a leather interior, which was in the car when i bought it as Pete said is taking it a bit far


yes it is deisel weasel but thats not the point am making i think everybody should go and read the forum rules pointless posting and slagging thats what it is all u lot did was slag it off WHY he only asked how much its worth NOT do u like it 1 simple question turns into a 3 pages off crap and has that help the guy out I THINK NOT i just think u need 2 just keep it 2 ur self what u think and yes i can take a joke like the next guy but thats was abit serious and uncalled 4 but i bet u carnt c that


Active Member
:lol: Just ignore them fella, if you like it thats all that matters ;)

I get stick about having an orange car, kieron gets it about having a yellow one that doesn't work and Marks just a Southern n0bj0ckey :twisted: :lol: :wink:



New Member
Thats the thing tho Paz, i wasnt asking if people liked it, i was asking how much its worth.

I dont know if i want it anymore as i want 2 bucket seats instead.

I saw one on ebay a few months back that i think was for sale for £800.

I just wanted to know, IF i do decide to sell it, then how much should i ask for.


i like it

and if your taking it out your not selling it


ive spent many hours keeping it clean and in good condition




Active Member
gtirneil said:
Thats the thing tho Paz, i wasnt asking if people liked it, i was asking how much its worth.

I dont know if i want it anymore as i want 2 bucket seats instead.

I saw one on ebay a few months back that i think was for sale for £800.

I just wanted to know, IF i do decide to sell it, then how much should i ask for.
I know that, but you're always going to get an opinion - especially on here :lol: ;)

Either stick it on ebay, or put it in the for sale section inviting offers - its worth what someone will pay! Ebay might be a good starting point.



minging men!

well its had about 2 bottles of zymol on it so im sure all you "whatever" is gone! :lol:

and neil if you sell it

the money isnt going on the car!

you can buy me something... somethings sparkly! :p


gtirneil said:
Fair enough everyone has there own opinion, but to call me a chav because i have a leather interior, which was in the car when i bought it as Pete said is taking it a bit far

Don't worry mate I'll be the judge of all things chav on the forum and a leather interior isn't one of them :wink: .

I quite fancy leather myself one day :D , That and a nice flocked dash would look pretty cool :wink: .

Now an orange car thats a real chav mobil :roll: .
