GTiR's Most Wanted...


Active Member
marcymarc said:
GTIR1000 said:
been to sloictor as well now they will be sending him some tters informing him what is going on but still he refuses to contact me im going up there sometime in the very very near future he will be getting a nice xmas pressie of me anyonegot any other ideas what i can do about thisidiot

Why dont you just go to his house and kick his fe ckin head in, whats so hard about that?
Yes indeed. The simple version that sounds SO much easier :lol: ;)


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
geoff pine said:
stop pissing about and just sue him in the small claims court cost you nothing and the leagal system is relentless . hes working he has assets [ the fastest fag packet in the north east ] the courts can send the bailiffs round and impound his car freeze his bank account .the courts system just grinds on sue him :D
Geoff' s right...sue his ass off before everyone else does and he has no assets to lose :wink:

im sure this person will be getting exactly what he deserves anyway at some point in the future.
maybe some photo printed t-shirts with 'wanted for theft' written on them wouldn' t go amiss :idea: we could get a whole campaign going and really ruin his day :lol: flyers and car stickers anyone? :lol: :lol: :lol:


he is getting a vit from me dont u worry but yes ant to do something else that will really ruin him my sictor is on the case at the mo the ll will start rolling after xmas


Active Member
This guy is back on modifiers under the name apexi-guy.

I thought i would let everyone know, as some ppl already know, he ripped quite a few guys off last year.


pulsar_stu said:
This guy is back on modifiers under the name apexi-guy.

I thought i would let everyone know, as some ppl already know, he ripped quite a few guys off last year.
Jack Bauer is dealing with him as we speak :peace: