GTiR's Most Wanted...


New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: Can someone take a camcorder along :?: :lol: :lol: :lol: This would be good viewing 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Shaun said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Can someone take a camcorder along :?: :lol: :lol: :lol: This would be good viewing 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:

wot you mean happy slapping :shock: :? :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:


been to the police they re taking it up straight away as they have had alot of this and i also have the weekend of this weekend thinki will deleiver a xmas pressie up his way me and a couple of my mates that ae bouncers ill keep u lot informed


New Member
Let the filth deal with him first as he will more than likely only get a fine unless he's been done for this before.
Then when its all gone out of his mind then pay the lad a visit with a lead pipe. :twisted:
Revenge is a dish best served cold plus you dont want urself up on a gbh charge now do you. :!:
That wot i wud do but thats just me lol :wink:


who said ill harm him i have other plans but ill take your points in to consideration he will end up with a criminal record though which ill affect him for life which is something for him to think about


New Member
Ya but if he dont have previous it wont mean jack. I have record it dont affect my life but we wont go in to that. I will just state i don't rip ppl off lol.
All i'm saying is be carefull he does sound like he needs a good thrashing to me thou. :!:


well have jst hear from him on the phone he said he habeen in the shetlands an d not back till sunday if this is true i owe him a really big apology i will inform the police that he has been inconact and should be receving tem next week he aint gonna be happy whn he sees the stuff i wrote but i had no conact from him so what was i meant to think i thoght i had lost 385 quid sorry gain to clarkey if e is telling the truth


so what if u have said all that about him he shouldnt leave it long 2 send or get in contact with u and the others over the so called things hes sold so 2 me i wouldnt belive anything what came out off he mouth until the goods arrived hard but true


what´s this??? is it a comedy pic or a child which will dream about a GTI-R??? LOL

So i have lost 100 GBP to him and he will not send anything. The best i must visit him ;-)


well the poilce have een informed about him and i told them he has contacted me and tey said inform them if the stuff gets to me clarkey sad the end of next week so if nothing by wednesday next week i will report back to the police


stuff still not here going back to the police to tell them as they said give him till this week im fed upthough so on my way now to tell them to get on with it cheers james


been to sloictor as well now they will be sending him some tters informing him what is going on but still he refuses to contact me im going up there sometime in the very very near future he will be getting a nice xmas pressie of me anyonegot any other ideas what i can do about thisidiot

gtir bean

New Member
send him a turd in a jiffy bag filled with shredded paper so he has to put his hand in to find whats inside. :D

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
stop pissing about and just sue him in the small claims court cost you nothing and the leagal system is relentless . hes working he has assets [ the fastest fag packet in the north east ] the courts can send the bailiffs round and impound his car freeze his bank account .the courts system just grinds on sue him :D


Active Member
GTIR1000 said:
been to sloictor as well now they will be sending him some tters informing him what is going on but still he refuses to contact me im going up there sometime in the very very near future he will be getting a nice xmas pressie of me anyonegot any other ideas what i can do about thisidiot

Why dont you just go to his house and kick his fe ckin head in, whats so hard about that?