gtir water jacket



yes i see what you mean now, i never noticed that:doh:

not sure i would be happy with that as theres just a thin bit of gasket setting that away from the top of cylinder, looks like a recipe for disaster to me but guess theres something they have worked out that i cant figure lol
i certainly wont be doing that though, gonna keep my router for just wood i think:lol:
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New Member
the grooves are for wire ringing the top of the liner i'd imagine, it gives a better seal on the hg for big boost as the wire ring bites into the hg


the grooves are for wire ringing the top of the liner i'd imagine, it gives a better seal on the hg for big boost as the wire ring bites into the hg

it seems as though the base of the channeling is at its lowest point right over the top of waterways so would wiring the cylinders not obstruct the waterways to head?
would have thought that if liners were wired then there would be a small recess closer to liner, but then again ive never come across anything like that before


no not that, talking about the channeling around the waterways


New Member
there are no channels on the block they are using, not according to this pic

instead of chatting about it on drop mark or one of the guys at mazworks an email and ask them direct, they are pretty cool guys.


Active Member
Them pics i had was not of mazworks own engine but an engine that i think mazworks had done the machining on.
I am pretty sure it was mazworks?The guy selling the parts on the sr20 forum also had a lot of other top spec parts for sale at the same time.