I have said before the gearbox is stronger than people think, that has failed from the output shaft bearing and gears trying spread when launching, if you look at a stock gearbox the helical cut out gears and the opposite direction helical cut on the gear try to keep the thrust forces equalised, I wonder how much longer it would have lasted if the casing was braced to stop the gear shafts from spreading. Which selector fork do you keep breaking?
it was a 20 year old casing, and regularly drag raced for the last 7 years i suppose it was a ticking time bomb. We looked at the damage and agree that the damage is the two shafts separating so we built a brace that goes all around the gear box, see how that lasts.
The selector I regularly break is 3rd n 4th. The symptoms replicate to me like stripping the teeth of a gear, as it goes in to 3rd loose all drive, it is easy to think 3rd gear has gone, which leaves me to believe that maybe the infomus 3rd gear failure is often a miss diagnosed selector fork failure failure and the gears are tougher than people think.
I wouldnd advise any one to replicate the damage, as parts are starting to get harder to come by, especially at reasonable prices.