look nobbbb head ull be lucky to see the same sort of power my evo made before urs goes bang let allown whats planned for the colt LOL
and as said yeah evo engine and running gear is good for putting in other cars
and transmission is a shite load stronger than what the gtir was blessed with
and as said yeah evo engine and running gear is good for putting in other cars
and transmission is a shite load stronger than what the gtir was blessed with
deisel weasel said:cos you might aswell go the whole hog and become a sad boring c.u.n.t like the rest of them that used to own gtirs and buy the whole car which will probably end up being slower than your pulsar :roll:dankal said:Why not put an Evo motor and gearbox and rest of driveline in the R and solve the gearbox problem :lol::lol:
just ask alan (ashills) :shock: :lol: