Engine conversion for Pulsar


New Member
just been looking around have noticed quite a few fiesta etc with cosworth engines, and also rst with cossie engines

So was wondering how difficult would it be to put a gtr engine into a pulsar,

Im sure u could get a pulsar with a blown engine for about £1000 and use the shell to fit a gtr engne

or is this not at all possible, or has anyone done this conversion before

just a thought (sp) so thought i would ask


Active Member
:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: i was interested in this "little" mod about a year ago but i was quoted 12 gees :shock: :shock: :shock: yes that right 12 grand :shock: :? .it is possible but a lot of work is involved :shock: i believe it being built now as we speak 8)


think space would be the first problem and then the engine mounts the other way round, then theres the gearbox, would think with enough money thrown at it could do it but would think it would be very expensive


New Member
ah yes did'nt realise the weight issue but im sure with the right suspension etc set up you could over come that problem, does 12 grand include evrything fitting parts etc but think about it this way if 12 grand included evrything it would'nt it be a more reliable and maybe in the long run cheaper option :? as with a gtr engine you would get 500bhp :twisted: with not to much money thrown at it and you would'nt have the issue with the gearbox, where as 500bhp from a gtir engine wouldn't be so reliable and the gearbox problems :shock:


New Member
i must admit that i have often wondered if this was possible £12k might sound alot of cash but if you tuned the gtr engine to 6-700bhp and stripped out the pulsar then im sure that you could compete with the 'big boys' on the drag strip and for alot less dollar :!: :!:


New Member
i know of a lad who was starting this project, but binned it about a year back, im pretty sure he had thought of how to do it, ie, how and where the engine was going to sit, and all that crap. he had the rb26 engine and box sat next to his R.

Fast Guy

Staff member
If you want to stick a skyline engine in, stick it in the boot as a 2nd engine :p

Remember it's an in line 6 that mounts longitudinally where as our 4pot mounts transversely.

I'd have thought 12K to do the conversion (if it could be done) would be a bargain with all the work that would be involved.
I realy think it could be a nightmare of a job and would be hard to justify (until you go over 500bhp :lol: )


Active Member
Wouldnt there be to much weight up front with a 2.6 lump?

I reckon 12k would easily be enough to do this job though.

Its only 15k for a 206wrc cosworth 4x4 from Terry pankhurst job done ,

I saw a magazine article in Lax Power about 2 mothes ago and a chap did the full 206wrc conversion including the 206 1.1 and the sierra cosworth donor car for 13k doing all the work himself

Another example is that fiesta mk 6 cosworth 4x4 , i think that can be done for 20k inc fiesta mk6 and siera cosworth donor cars.

My point is fitting a skyline lump in an R must be a walk in the park compared to the work involved with the cars mentioned above.

i think the main problem would be , who is gonna put the thought/preperation/research into into the project ,is it gonna be the person who wants the the conversion or a tuner like Hi-teq who are gonna want paying for all the thought/preperation/research before they even start the job.

If your a dab hand in the garage ie a bit of a mechanic/welder/engineer/fabricator just like a builder who is a bit of a joiner/bricky/plasterer/plumber you could piss this job for 12k :wink:


Are you lot having a laugh ? :lol: Have you ever seen the size of an RB26 compared to the size of a Pulsar engine bay ? It feckin impossible to work on most stuff on a Pulsar as it is, how you gonna get an engine thats at least a 1/3rd bigger in there ? :D:D You'd have to cut the car in half and lengthen it by a few foot ;)


Pulsar has too much weight over the front as it is and given that a lot of us strip out the rear seats best to stick rb26 in the back(middle) ice-racer style.

Lots of room and nice and even weight. That would be worth doing, even if a bit more than 12k.


Don't reakon its as hard are some are making out :? think it would be almost impossible to mount the engine transversely as no room for gearbox (pulsar engine really only just fits under the bonnet.)

What you would need to do is turn the engine 90 degrees and mount it as it is in the skyline (longditudinally), probably using the skyline box (and rear diff, so be able to use all the clever diff and transfer electronics the skyline uses (HICAS i think but could be wrong ) :roll:

A large amount of work would have to be done to the firewall (moving it back) and enlarging the transmission tunnel. Its not impossible and a lot of cars have done this - namely mk2 golfs - VR6 lump and mk2 escorts - 16v Vauxhall lump where you're shoehorning a far bigger or different engine into the bay. If anyones got any old issues of CCC hanging around there practially was a car like that in every issue!

However, I think the benifits would outway the expense as you would be moving the centre of gravity (and A LOT of weight) back behind the front axle where it belongs - NO UNDERSTEER!) also in essence you would be creating a baby skyline as you would be using all its running gear in essentially a pulsar shell. Oh that and 800bhp of course (well it wouldn't be worth it otherwise would it!)

Now to me a far better idea would be to transplant the whole GTiR running gear into a K11 Nissan Micra 8)

Nissan Micra GTiR :p Anyone - you know you want to :D


New Member
AJ4 said:
Are you lot having a laugh ? :lol: Have you ever seen the size of an RB26 compared to the size of a Pulsar engine bay ? It feckin impossible to work on most stuff on a Pulsar as it is, how you gonna get an engine thats at least a 1/3rd bigger in there ? :D:D You'd have to cut the car in half and lengthen it by a few foot ;)
glad not everyones away with the fairies ross :wink: the rb26 engine is HUGE :shock:

it could be done 8) as with anything if you have the skills or money you can fit just about anything to anything, i´ve seen a transversely mounted v8 in the front of a mini, and has anyone seen the rover sd1 with that bloody great tank engine thats going in it :shock:

12k may get the engine in there but then you´ve spent a hell of alot of money to get an extra 60bhp or whatever the rb26 comes with standard over your sr20det :wink: You´d get 60bhp with a bleed valve :wink: :lol: . Its all well and good quoting 800bhp on the gtr lump but you might aswell at least double your costs there and then depending on who does the work if you want that figure :wink:

I was talking to a chap about it some time ago, he had the car and the engine and there was no way it was going straight in, he may have had a mad moment and thought f.o..ok it lets get on with it but until i see it i´m not holding my breath.

You´d be far better off getting a decent power figure out of the sr20det that nissan put in the pulsar in the first place as if you did fit an rb26 all anybody is going to say when it beats any of the quickest pulsars is..

it dont count as its got a skyline engine in it :roll: :

and all your hard work would be wasted :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
the SD1 has an aeroplane engine being fitted :shock: 8) :wink:

i dont think people would care too much tbh. if they did then ND' s 'cut and shut' evo would recieve the same treatment as should the colt/evo conversions.

besides, i think it would give the sr20 boys a good kick up the ar5e :wink:


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
the SD1 has an aeroplane engine being fitted :shock: 8) :wink:
wrong numbnuts :wink: the car im on about in ppc has a tank version of the aeroplane engine :roll:

i dont think people would care too much tbh. if they did then ND' s 'cut and shut' evo would recieve the same treatment as should the colt/evo conversions
it does get said :wink: but at least the norris evo is still the same base car engine and running gear 8) you could if you had the skills build a complete tubular space frame that weighs f.o..o.k all, stick a carbon fibre body thats pulsar shaped on it, fit a high power tuned sr20det and the gtir running gear in it and i´d imagine you´d destroy just about everything :shock: but you´re not really driving a nissan pulsar gtir anymore are you :?:

there has to be a point where the car can no longer be classed as it was originally and cant be put up against the cars it was built from, otherwise you could go stick a jet in the back of your gtir and run 6 second quarters 8)

you´d really need seperate classes for production based cars and special builds

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
deisel weasel said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
the SD1 has an aeroplane engine being fitted :shock: 8) :wink:
wrong numbnuts :wink: the car im on about in ppc has a tank version of the aeroplane engine :roll:

i dont think people would care too much tbh. if they did then ND' s 'cut and shut' evo would recieve the same treatment as should the colt/evo conversions
it does get said :wink: but at least the norris evo is still the same base car engine and running gear 8) you could if you had the skills build a complete tubular space frame that weighs f.o..o.k all, stick a carbon fibre body thats pulsar shaped on it, fit a high power tuned sr20det and the gtir running gear in it and i´d imagine you´d destroy just about everything :shock: but you´re not really driving a nissan pulsar gtir anymore are you :?:

there has to be a point where the car can no longer be classed as it was originally and cant be put up against the cars it was built from, otherwise you could go stick a jet in the back of your gtir and run 6 second quarters 8)

you´d really need seperate classes for production based cars and special builds
whootish! wield that whip! :lol: ok so its a tank verion of an aeroplane engine :roll: :lol:

carbon fibre shell!?? :D considering the amount of interest on here for carbon body parts i reckon any critisism would just be a really bad case of sour grapes. besides if they were mad enough to paint it you wouldn' t notice.

carbon drive shafts and prop anyone??? :twisted: :lol:

are you burnt yet?



how old are you mate?
sat in your instructors corsa?
if you could afford to build it you wont get insured til the next decade :!:


Active Member
Well ive never heard as much sh it in my life , If you can fit two vr6 engines in a mark 1 golf gti , a jet engine in a rolls royce and a 350z engine in a micra im damn sure an Rb engine will fit in a pulsar wether it has to go in the front/middle/back :?


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
carbon fibre shell!?? :D considering the amount of interest on here for carbon body parts i reckon any critisism would just be a really bad case of sour grapes. besides if they were mad enough to paint it you wouldn' t notice.
your doing your selective reading bit again numbnuts :wink:

put it this way.

A tubular space frame, PULSAR GTIR shaped carbon 1 piece shell that lifts onto it, and purely to get my point across a mid 80´s turbo´d formula one engine stuck in the middle of it all with custom made 4x4 running gear all made to be road legal could not be considered a nissan pulsar gtir but would definately be quicker than anybodys gtir and just about anything else that we´ve seen yet.

it may look like a gtir but couldn´t possibly be compared to one

carbon body panels are just another way of modding the production car but when you start messing with adding different engines and running gear you´re making a completely different car and it shouldn´t be compared to the cars that are still basically the same engine, same bodyshell etc.etc