Bobs buggered engine thread


New Member
pulsarboby said:
then i can take the measurements down to engineers and get another block bored out.
would you not be better off giving them the pistons and let them do it ?


youngsyp said:

Sorry to see the state of your engine and all the work you're now gonna have to put in. On the brightside though, as you've said, hopefully the new engine will be better and more suited to what you need !

If you decide to use Horsham Developments for your mapping, are you gonna still use the E-Manage ?
I ask as they are one of the pioneers in this country for OE ecu re-mapping. And, their prices for said work are very reasonable !


havent decided yet paul, i think if they can map the standard ecu then i may take that option, and sell on the emanage with all the harnesses etc, (what a waste of money that was:roll: )
i dont really care what they do, i will fit a wideband so i can keep an eye on the af readings, and i have all the software for keeping an eye on the standard ecu, as i have a sykes n pickavant hand held diagnostics which i can keep plugged in (like a pfc unit) as long as its done properly this time.
i really dont want this trouble again, this cars cost me an awfull lot of wedge and i think i deserve a seasons running out of it:lol:

keiron, yes your probably right as per usual:-D
think i will let them bore and fit pistons and rings this time!
when it was built last time i just wanted to do everything myself (excluding boring, and head porting) but this time i just want it all done sharpish, and tbh i havent got the time to fook around with it myself, just get it all back from engineers, drop the crank in and new pump gears, bolt the head back on which will be a days work then another day to fit it all back in.
just hope these pistons arrive soonish as i cant do nothing untill there here!


Staff member
diesel weasel said:
would you not be better off giving them the pistons and let them do it ?
Momentarily forgetting Bob is a time served fully qualified mechanic I was going to suggest that yesterday but I then remembered and thought the last thing he needs is us unqualified plebs telling what he should do..............

we have to remember Bob has "a method behind his madness" after all he managed to build a good strong engine last time, all be it only 600 (or was it 400) miles ago so this one should be as strong if not stronger

Good work Bob, it's obvious you know what your doing, you go for it mate ;-)
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nice little dig at me there steve, well done fella!

but you seem to be forgetting that its your unqualified mate that FCUKED my engine up from his back garden shitehole shed of a workshop.
AND robbed me of money he owes me! so stick your snide comments right up your ass fella

i can honestly say ive never met anyone as two faced as YOU, nice as pie on the blower the other day, but then tries his best at backstabbing on a public forum sort it out or me and you will fall out big time matey;-)

or is this your girly little way to try and wind me up as you know ive got a short fuse?


Active Member
pulsarboby said:
havent decided yet paul, i think if they can map the standard ecu then i may take that option, and sell on the emanage with all the harnesses etc, (what a waste of money that was:roll: )
i dont really care what they do, i will fit a wideband so i can keep an eye on the af readings, and i have all the software for keeping an eye on the standard ecu, as i have a sykes n pickavant hand held diagnostics which i can keep plugged in (like a pfc unit) as long as its done properly this time.
i really dont want this trouble again, this cars cost me an awfull lot of wedge and i think i deserve a seasons running out of it:lol:
I'm sure things will go your way this time bud !

Keep your chin up !



Staff member
pulsarboby said:
nice little dig at me there steve, well done fella!

but you seem to be forgetting that its your unqualified mate that FCUKED my engine up from his back garden shitehole shed of a workshop.
AND robbed me of money he owes me! so stick your snide comments right up your ass fella

i can honestly say ive never met anyone as two faced as YOU, nice as pie on the blower the other day, but then tries his best at backstabbing on a public forum sort it out or me and you will fall out big time matey;-)

or is this your girly little way to try and wind me up as you know ive got a short fuse?
Nope, just after a response just like that to make a point, let me guess whats next, the threatening PM perhaps

I'm not being two faced and he's not MY MATE as you put it, he just happened to do a good job of mapping my engine, lets face it, you must have gone to him for a reason ?
perhaps it was because you'd heard quite a few other members saying that he'd done a good job or perhaps he was personally recommended with good prices, I don't know, whatever.....................

it's not like he's someone that brags about how good he is, in his sparkling workshop (Rob what was the blokes name that fooked your mapping up) and then fooks it up is it ???

When you turned up at his back garden shitehole shed of a workshop, you could have turned right round and gone home but you didn't

we all have a choice and make choices we regret and if I were in your position, I too would be well peeed off.
I know it's none of my business really but I can't quite swallow all that damage came from borewash, the piston skirts are mullered :shock: but the rings look ok !!

I think it might have been your "short fuse" reputation that made Mr X behave the way he did once he'd received your not so friendly PM.

You can calm down now, I realise that you've dropped the subject and you could do without my little digs...............I shall do the same and drop it.

I apologise, sorry for winding you up.



Active Member
better rod angle on the down ward stroke with a thicker headgasket
that's a load of crap, the thickness of the headgasket has nothing to do with rod angle, that's to do with length of rod and stroke of the crank.


Active Member
stumo said:
that's a load of crap, the thickness of the headgasket has nothing to do with rod angle, that's to do with length of rod and stroke of the crank.
Good old stumo, rubbing salt in the wounds :lol:


Active Member
no, just pointing out bullshit.....there's probibly more in this thread but i've just skim read it and this stood out like a sore thumb.


New Member
pulsarboby said:
keiron, yes your probably right as per usual:-D
the only reason i say that bob is if anything does go wrong that is down to the machining/ bottom end build (and im not saying it might happen) they cant claim they worked to the tolerances/spec they were given or didn't put it together.

the fewer people that do anything with an engine the better in my eyes as people are all to willing to use any excuse to wriggle out of something when it all goes pete tong.


stevepudney said:
Nope, just after a response just like that to make a point, let me guess whats next, the threatening PM perhaps

no threatning pm! and dont understand what point is your trying to make here, seems like your deliberately trying to wind me up to get me to react!

I'm not being two faced and he's not MY MATE as you put it, he just happened to do a good job of mapping my engine, lets face it, you must have gone to him for a reason ?

the only reason i went to him was because he promised me that he would do a good job, and i foolishly took his word for it!
other than yourself and alan, there is no one else thats recommended him, quite the opposite infact, many people were advising me not to let him do it, but i said i would give him a chance as i judge people by the way im treated and the work they have done.

and the two faced bit, surely i dont have to explain that!
you phone me asking for my advise the other day which i willingly gave you, i then explain after being asked 'my engine mess, tuner cockup etc' after explaining you yourself admitted that it was a bad way to run a business.
then you post up a sarcastic load of crap like you did, sorry but either im off my rocker here or theres a bit of backstabbing going on, which i do not like or agree with.

When you turned up at his back garden shitehole shed of a workshop, you could have turned right round and gone home but you didn't

as i just said, i judge a man by his work ability and customer skills when things go wrong, and he severely lacks both.

I know it's none of my business really but I can't quite swallow all that damage came from borewash, the piston skirts are mullered :shock: but the rings look ok !!

do yourself a favour steve, if you think im bullsh1tting, come to my workshop and i will drive you the block and piston down to an engineers and see what they say on what you have just said, the rings are truly knackered. indeed theres a topic on another site going on as we speak regading my engine and it seems they are coming to the same conclusion there too, and my car isnt the first thats come away from mr x's back garden running rich and stinking of petrol;-)

I think it might have been your "short fuse" reputation that made Mr X behave the way he did once he'd received your not so friendly PM.

as i said to you on the phone, you know the reason why i lost my rag with him, and you totally agreed with me! his attitude and customer aftercare is non existent, very bad business skills, simple as that!

You can calm down now, I realise that you've dropped the subject and you could do without my little digs...............I shall do the same and drop it.

I apologise, sorry for winding you up.

yes ive calmed down now, but this as you know is a very sore subject with me, which has cost me a lot of money and time, so please do not try to wind me up any more and i will accept the appology!
ive wrote this reply to your post explaining my actions so lets just leave it at that eh!;-)
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Active Member
franks car on a power fc
dooies car on emanage
the 620bhp evo he mapped the other day its nott just me and steve mate but thats all im saying i know your wound up as anyone would be if an engine of low miles had gone bang whatever the reason


no disrespect alan but ive said all ive gotta say on the mapping now.

if i really wanted to be nasty which i dont!
i can go on and supply a whole list of people that are or have been unhappy with this tuners work and money they were charged, can also give video footage of cars that have been mapped by him.
dont forget ive done my homework!
lets just leave it at that eh!
hes lucky to have a mate like you that will stand in his corner through thick and thin.
all i want to do now is get on and get my pile of crap back on the track, and forget all about this mess:sad:


New Member
pulsarboby said:
the company that did the boring are a very well respected company which ive used for years, and i know the cylinders were fine, it was running 170psi a cylinder prior to the mapping so ive no reason to fault there work.
the injectors were my initial thought as they were secondhand, but they were the first thing i had tested after the prob appeared and there are all working 100%.
hi m8 looking at these pictures i would also say the bore tolorance looks too tight and as the pistons have got hot have got to tight, as over fuelling would from cars ive seen before the top of the pistons would be black, also ive seen cars so massively over fuel that the sump had 4 litres of petrol in it on top of the 4 litres of oil in it and after sorting the prob out run brand new, this was a 2 litre v6 bi turbo maz 330 bhp not a low powerd car , after we checked the compression and was 100%, id be speaking to the machine shop if i was u, i always see cars over fuel and never seen any damage like that in 13 years.


New Member
Odin said:
Yes they will need machining to make room for the squirters fella, What rods are you using ?, They wouldn't fit my Par rods.

the new weiscos dont as they clear the oil skirts i got them from ashford motorsports.


New Member
just read through the posts not taking no sides just saying what it looks like to me, did u give the machine shop the leaflet which tells them the correct bore clearances which come with weisco, boby m8 i did when i got my bock bored and they said thats a big clearance compared to what they normally do, as they expand more then cast and the machine shop oviously never board for forged pistons before , and je and cp will expand even more.


already have arran
pistons and plugs were caked in soot, but wiped off to take photos (plugs are still black though).

seen an independant engineer who has measured te bores and without me mentioning anything his words were bore wash!

lack of oil in the bores due to excess fuel will cause friction between rings and cylinder wall, this in turn creates heat which expands piston at thinnest points then meltdown takes place, as in the photos!
fuelling is more vital with a newly built engine as the running in process isnt fully completed, and the oil is paramount to keep the bores and pistons in good condition whilst its still being run in.

lack of fuel or det will cause heat spots at the piston crown and lead to holing at the top of the piston.

in reply to your other post. yes they had full leaflet with bore instructions!
its not the first one they have done either, ive used this place for years having previously had a cossie bored as well as many other performance cars. they are a very well respected company in the south east.
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New Member
ashills said:
franks car on a power fc
dooies car on emanage
the 620bhp evo he mapped the other day its nott just me and steve mate but thats all im saying i know your wound up as anyone would be if an engine of low miles had gone bang whatever the reason
the person who mapped franks ( turbines) if thats who u mean did my m8s toms the other week and is spot on and never run so well, i know who will be doing my car if this is the same person i think ur talking about he is spot on at mapping as ive seen before and after results and all i can say is map mine asap please, but there seems to be a problem somewhere down the line good luck, lucky u can do it all urself and not have to pay the labour charges so even building 3 engines would cost less then 1 built by a company, just shame about the block at its max boare i went for 86.5mm so can be bored again if anything went wrong.
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New Member
pulsarboby said:
lack of oil in the bores due to excess fuel will cause friction between rings and cylinder wall, this in turn creates heat which expands piston at thinnest points then meltdown takes place,
the piston is wider at the skirt, not thinner, or do you mean the actual thickness of the skirts profile as you look down on it ?