yeah, yeah, dave done all the work etc..but the cars mine now :twisted: - as ive put "my car....." people who read and see the feature will see me driving it around and say "ur cars in banzai isnt it?"
cant believe the amount of people that stand at stare when im in traffic :shock:
top job on the car dave, its running sweet
people will see in the feature that it was daves and he done the work....?!?
changed the bottom quote thingy to keep every1 happy :roll:
pigme - u can have it for 10k

cant believe the amount of people that stand at stare when im in traffic :shock:
top job on the car dave, its running sweet
people will see in the feature that it was daves and he done the work....?!?
changed the bottom quote thingy to keep every1 happy :roll:
pigme - u can have it for 10k