Giving your opinion on someones and don't question


Afternoon all,

I have a question I wanted to pose and thought this would be the best place for me to guage an opinion.

I'm not on here as often as i used to be as i have been pulsar-less for a good few years but i like to pop in and recently posted up some pictures of my new I'm now going onto the 350 forum quite a lot and it's a very good site where I've got loads of helpful information but I've gone and upset a couple of people when i expressed a less than positive view on someones car and i wanted an honest opinion from people on a forum where i used to spend a lot of time.

Someone started a thread titled 'best looking Zed you've seen' or something like that and pretty quickly lots of pics popped up, some were very nice and some were not really cup of splosh as I'm not a big fan of some of the kits and spoilers but they don't really bother me a great deal so i didn't offer an opinion.....then someone posted a picture of a blue zed with deep dish wheels and a wide arch bodykit.....I didn't like it, actually i really didn't like it so i offered my post was as follows:

'I honestly can't muster the words to fully convey my true feelings what a pile of shite that is.....awful doesn't even come close.....I wish I'd never seen that picture, a little part of me has just died'....I might have also mentioned that seeing that picture had ruined my weekend.

This did not go down too well with a couple of the established members and i was sent a couple of PM's suggesting that i edit my post....this was my dilema.

On the one hand i think, actually that was a bit out of order, i didn't really need to go to town quite like that, maybe i should have adopted a more polite 'not for me but i can appriciate the work' basic generic type of reply or maybe just said nothing at all.

But then another part of me thinks that if you modify a car to that extent, post pictures of it in a thread titled 'Best looking whatever' you've got to take the rough with the smooth, the good with the bad and my opinion fell very much into the bad.

The reason i ask here is because i remember a few occasions on here where people got very upset when given negative feedback after posting pictures of their cars up and then lots of people went over to the modifiers club where people did a little more back slapping.

What camp would you fall in to?

Fast Guy

Staff member
If I don't like something I just say. If someone pm'd me telling me to change my opinion I'd tell them to do one.


I think people need to man up and grow a pair. You were totally right to say what you did, fair enough you could have gone down the "it's not really my cup of tea" route but that's not really how you feel, so why mince your words. I'm infinately thankful that they're aren't many bodykits avaliable for the R, otherwise I'd spend most of my time on here slating body mods. Granted I'm hardly one to talk as my car has a centre exit exhaust, but I like it and have it there for me not anyone else.

I think it does people good to hear that not everyone likes their car. I guess it's a bit like fancying a celeb, some like a massive pair of fake knockers, lashings of Botox and a bum lift. I prefer the natural look but that's just me. I'm firmly of the impression that if people don't want any negative feedback on their car they shouldn't post pictures of it, or slap on grotesque bodykits which detract from what is clearly a good looking car (the Z, not the R!). We're all happy to slag off cars we see on eBay/pistonheads/autotrader, but for sone reason that all changes if it's your car on the line. If you decide to phone up DemonTweeks and give them full freedom with your credit card, expect the inevitable lash back.


Well-Known Member
I can understand from reading your post why people would get upset and it is not probably how I would have aired my opinion lol but I cant see any reason why you shouldnt be able to post your views on a public forum.

I have been on car forums since they started and your always going to get people that disagree with others and unless a member starts posting slanderous comments about another member then I cant see a problem :)

red reading

Active Member
Who gives a shit what they think...............i do remember some people getting upset by my comment's about a certain time attack car too.


New Member
Lets be honest, no one likes to see there pride and joy getting slagged off. If you go and post pictures on an internet car forum then you will get lots of positive comments (as its likely to be for that specific model) and your going to get negative comments if your car doesnt conform to the norm thats expected in that car culture.

For example if someone on here tried to euro there R by slamming it to the deck and fitting stretched tyres I would be hughly abusive about there car as I hate the whole euro dubbing scene as it is, and for someone to go ruin the performance and handling of what is a performance oriented car then I would do my nut in. What you have done is along the same lines, someone has taken a very stylish coupe which suits only certain mods and stuck a F&F bodykit on it.

If the owner cant take the negative comments then he shouldnt of bothered posting pictures of his car, I mean not everyone has the same tastes. At the end of the day you take the rough with the smooth, if you cant deal with a slagging then avoid car forums full stop as its filled with keyboard warriers and people with differing views.


New Member
i do remember some people getting upset by my comment's about a certain time attack car too.
Haha on that subject I agreed 100% with you and really despite all the claims it would aid performace all it did was prop up the time sheets!


The words you used may have been a little harsh but you are entitled to your opinion maybe next time dont put "this looks shite" lol. As said above maybe say"not really my cup of tea mate". Cause that person may have put there life into it i dunno :)


Hi, wanna transform the handling of your z for free. I've had two. If you turn off the traction control to have some fun then you may have noticed it is not all the way off. My top tip is to remove the centre console, it's only a few screws and look at the base of the gearstick for a small box with bosch written on it. Pull out the wiring loom and put back the centre console. You will have a light on the dash saying traction control error but you now have it fully off. Now it's like a 300bhp go kart and even the brakes work better. Give it a try. I never went back after pulling the plug. Besides, you can always reconnect it. If your a woos lol


I'm glad to hear i'm not on my own in thinking expressing a harsh opinion is OK.....I wouldn't expect everyone to have liked my GTIR or my 350 and would happily have accepted any comments regardless of how crappy they might have been.....i just think by posting your pics up on a public forum you are accepting the possibility of receiving negative and even rude remarks.....if you can't take it then don't post it.

red reading

Active Member
To help put my comment into perspective, this is the car in question.

It need's a roll cage,to be strip' out and made into a proper track weapon.........otherwise it's only ever going to be a incomplete car to me.

Being polite i'd say " it's not my cup-o-tea"

I think everyone would know what i would normally say.


Staff member
Looks abit Stratos ish with those arches.
Looks to me a bit like they've tried to make it into a Porsche Carrera to me.

The correct response to someone slagging your car off is to shrug your shoulders and say "what the f*ck do they know". - I think your imagery was a bit strong, but I'd laugh at that and respond with something like "fair enough", or "so you don't like it then?"