Noise levels??


Active Member
does anyone know what sort of decibel range a full goose system with a silenced de-cat makes while the car is static??

im looking at attending a trackday at croft, the static db is 88db, there very strict on this


Active Member
Mine was measured at 104db with a 5inch tip.
The 3inch tip may quieten it a bit but i think you will struggle to get down to 88db without adding another silencer of some type.

Fast Guy

Staff member
My brand new goose measured 88db in my back yard. I haven't a clue what it is now.


Well-Known Member
mine made 98 at idle next to the police car that tested me! I went for a scorpion which is about 12db!


Active Member
yeah i get that, how did they prove it was louder than the oe exhaust,or is there a limit??


New Member
yeah i get that, how did they prove it was louder than the oe exhaust,or is there a limit??
They cant, but then do you really want to get into an arguement with a police officer and risk things going further.

I got pulled for the very same thing, said my exhasut was to loud. Wasnt traffic cops so they had no DB tester but were adament that it was far to loud (which of course it was) but I argued the fact that the car had passed its MOT with the exhaust on it so by definition it surely must be legal. I then got the speil about it should be no louder than a standard car so I asked them what was the DB level of stock Pulsar, I got no answer. After the usual MOT, tax and insurance checks they let me go with nothing, if it was traffics im sure they would of been more anal about things and asbo'd the car or fined me. I always feel these pulls are designed to simply get you at the road side so they can have a snoop around the car and check there isnt anything dodgey going on such as bald tyres.


New Member
what about TVR's? surely they are over 96db, doge viper's etc? load of bollocks imo.
Well over, I dont think the limit is 96db, infact im 99% sure its not.

I was always under impression the limit was set by the stock car, not an arbitury level.


Active Member
i'd argue with the fookers, traffic or not, they need proof, its more paper work them if they wanna take it further,