Noise levels??


Active Member
And then when they do and your oppurtunity to take the fine is gone you have a nice day in court.Which you will probably lose.

If I could fit another silencer into my mongoose without killing performance I'd have one for definite.


Active Member
And then when they do and your oppurtunity to take the fine is gone you have a nice day in court.Which you will probably lose.

If I could fit another silencer into my mongoose without killing performance I'd have one for definite.
we cant even find the db levelof the standard exhaust, what makes you think plod knows better,

i challenged the fookers over my plates, they said the lettering was under size, i argued it had a valid m,o,t, outcome was i escaped a fine but hadto get a m.o.t center to stamp the ticket they gave me,

the fool who wrote the ticket out was all like nice car dont see many of them often, later on when i was looking at the ticket he put it down as a toyota ,and that was the taffic filth

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is the noise levels C weighted or A weighted? I just checked mine again and it was still 88db A weighted and 102db C weighted. (I hope I got those the right way round, I've forgot already:doh:)

Fast Guy

Staff member
Found this. I bet they checked Keastygtir's on C weighting to get a fine.

The exhaust must record a decibel level not exceeding 101 db(A)

This level will be recorded at the height of the exhaust or 200mm from ground level which ever is greater, placed 500mm away from the exhaust outlet at a 45 degree angle to said outlet.

The engine will be run at a speed between two thirds and three quarters of it’s maximum to achieve the recording.
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Active Member
we cant even find the db levelof the standard exhaust, what makes you think plod knows better,

i challenged the fookers over my plates, they said the lettering was under size, i argued it had a valid m,o,t, outcome was i escaped a fine but hadto get a m.o.t center to stamp the ticket they gave me,

the fool who wrote the ticket out was all like nice car dont see many of them often, later on when i was looking at the ticket he put it down as a toyota ,and that was the taffic filth
I don't see the point in drawing their attention.These cars aren't exactly subtle and if you piss off the local plod they will be pulling you for allsorts.Plus with those silly new ASBO laws they can manipulate them to their advantage.If they decide you are casuing a nuisance, which excessive noise could be classed as they can issue a warning and if you don't sort it, seize the car.My thinking is, why be a smartarse and provoke them?

The plate thing does have laws regarding spacing etc but we are exempt as an import and can actually use motorbike plates if need be as you cannot physicly get the correct spacings onto the square plate needed for the space on the bootlid.I got moaned at by one copper for using a bike plate and rather than risking getting pulled again for it I got s new one made up which had the right spacing between the letters and the rows, but is just that little bit too close to the edge of the plate.It still doesn't stand out as much as bike letters though and at least I tried my best.


New Member
I had my plates checked, the size of the lettering was the minimum, but then they said I had to change the front plate had the sapcing 1mm to small.

Pointless arguing and just told to change it!! That was by a traffic cop, which I have always found to be more ok than the usual plod who are normally just jealous we have better cars than their shitty diesel astras or whatever crap they drive!!

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
I had my plates checked, the size of the lettering was the minimum, but then they said I had to change the front plate had the sapcing 1mm to small.

Pointless arguing and just told to change it!! That was by a traffic cop, which I have always found to be more ok than the usual plod who are normally just jealous we have better cars than their shitty diesel astras or whatever crap they drive!!
Your right there is no point in arguing, you just need to be confident, know what you are talking about and when it comes to questions understand what they are asking you and have a plauable answer for them.

Import cars are exempt for front uk registration plates reg.

Mine does not conform, but it can be read from 25mts away and its ANPR detectable.

I've dealt with the traffic division when it comes to having a stop check.

Just make sure you know what you are talking about, be confident and polite and 99.9% of the time you'll come out on top because of the technicality.

However they could well just give you a VDR (vehicle defect report) for something else that's wrong with your car.

I'm just polite, courteous but confident. They see that they'll pick up on it and it pays off. ;-)


New Member
Your right there is no point in arguing, you just need to be confident, know what you are talking about and when it comes to questions understand what they are asking you and have a plauable answer for them.

Import cars are exempt for front uk registration plates reg.

Mine does not conform, but it can be read from 25mts away and its ANPR detectable.

I've dealt with the traffic division when it comes to having a stop check.

Just make sure you know what you are talking about, be confident and polite and 99.9% of the time you'll come out on top because of the technicality.

However they could well just give you a VDR (vehicle defect report) for something else that's wrong with your car.

I'm just polite, courteous but confident. They see that they'll pick up on it and it pays off. ;-)
I think Andys spot on with what he's said.

When I got pulled I was polite as possible but challenged them in anything I didnt believe to be true and replied with a well founded answer.

At the end of the day any decision is down to there discression, getting wide with them isnt going to help you atol, will probably just end up in punishment there and then or your cards being marked for the future which will only end up in you getting more hassle.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Don't bother with croft, due to the recent legal issues, the db limit is super low (89db iirc?)