New Member
right before anybody says "get rid of the safc and get a powerfc or emanage"
, thats exactly what im doing.
i have had to put my mapping session back a couple of weeks to get my car fully upto scratch, ready for its new emanage ultimate.
i have fitted a 3"induction pipe setup with a Z32 and a blitz sus. right the one thing im worrying about is that i have a safc2 fitted and i need the car running to drive down and get the emanage fitted and mapped. i have had a look at the instructions and it says the sensor no. should be IN05 OUT05 when the ECU and the airflow sensor are normal.
when the ECU is normal and the airflow sensor is for Z32 IN02 OUT05.
has anyone done this on the safcI/II and its been ok any help would be appreciated.
i have scanned in the page which says all this for it to be a little clearer.
i have had to put my mapping session back a couple of weeks to get my car fully upto scratch, ready for its new emanage ultimate.
i have fitted a 3"induction pipe setup with a Z32 and a blitz sus. right the one thing im worrying about is that i have a safc2 fitted and i need the car running to drive down and get the emanage fitted and mapped. i have had a look at the instructions and it says the sensor no. should be IN05 OUT05 when the ECU and the airflow sensor are normal.
when the ECU is normal and the airflow sensor is for Z32 IN02 OUT05.
has anyone done this on the safcI/II and its been ok any help would be appreciated.
i have scanned in the page which says all this for it to be a little clearer.