Z32 issues - again - ffs!

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Simple way to try to elimate this is to use a bleed valve im place of the boost controller. I used to find that some of those boost controllers struggled to reach high boosts (and in fact many do when near the limits)

New actuators are around £100


Active Member
snoon said:
How much am I looking at for a stronger actuator? Bearing in mind I'm just about to pay for a new boost controller and remap! And how come I have never had a problem before now?

Cheers all!
Why are you going to buy anything ? You haven't tried the various suggestions on here yet ?!

As Ed has said, substitue the EBC for a mechanical boost controller to confirm or not, that the Blitz unit is working as it should be. If you get the same thing happen, that would tend to point to the actuator being the culprit.
As has been said before, more than 1.5 bar from the stock actuator is a bit much to ask, and is most likely your issue.

If it is your actuator, buy an uprated item.



New Member
I did put a manual boost controller on it and it worked fine so it must be my SBC that isn't working.

It was all working fine from 1 - 1.6 bar holding perfect on every setting until it was left stood in my unit. It hasn't worked since, so it must be the boost controller??

Fusion Ed

Active Member
i think its just the SBC not being able to bleede away air fast enough. Not a fault just a limitation. It wouldnt be an issue with a stronger actuator.


New Member
So if I were to get a uprated actuator it would solve the problem?

I just can't get my head round why this would just, for no apparent reason, become a problem.


New Member
It's just boosting to whatever it wants. Last night on motorway, put foot down in 5th, whent to 1.72 bar!!!


Active Member
snoon said:
It's just boosting to whatever it wants. Last night on motorway, put foot down in 5th, whent to 1.72 bar!!!
yeah, but was it fast:-D

good point before about the boost controller not being able to bleed air away quick, guess at 1.6bar even with the soleniod fully open, 0.5 (std actuator level) may be getting through...


Has the solenoid for the boost controller got an filter inline if so is it clean ?

Not sure what turbo you got but is there any benefit in increasing the boost past 1.5 bar you may gain little or nothing dependant on the turbo.



New Member
I get what your saying about it not being able to bleed air quick enough, but it was never a problem before it was stood for ages. It held on all 4 channels no problem.

The actuator was replaced when the tubby was rebuilt and the problem was there before and after the new turbo.

Don't think it has a filter on it.