Z32 issues - again - ffs!


New Member
Basically Noble are saying that the Z32 I have is knackered.
How can I test it?
Can I just swap it over with someone who has one?
It does look like it has been opened up before as the top is silconed shut.

As per usual, something to pi$$ me off.



New Member
Hi Paul,

Not sure exactly as I didn't take the car as I had to work, my brother took it.

I've emailed them to see exactly what they think.

I'll let you know.


New Member
Not sure yet, they haven't replied to the email I sent them on Monday. Going to ring them tomorrow if i get chance.

I'll post up what they say.


Active Member
Dont trust anything noble say, theres only mik with any brains at all ,but i doubt you will get the plesure of him working on your car., i had to get the how to guide up off this forum for them to fit my bleedin walbro fuel pump :roll:


New Member
It is Mike who works on my car.

I have no reason to doubt them yet tho. Have always seem like they know what they are doing.

Not getting chance to call them - too busy at work. Have emailed them again.


Active Member
I have a Z32 MAF handy and live a few miles from Nobles.If you are planning on going there sometimes,I might be able to go with you and test it there and then.


New Member
skiddusmarkus said:
I have a Z32 MAF handy and live a few miles from Nobles.If you are planning on going there sometimes,I might be able to go with you and test it there and then.

Is your Z32 tried and tested as working ok?

Cheers mate, would be good if poss.

I'll keep you posted on what they say.


New Member
Noble finally got back to me yesterday.

Full story is..............My boost controller isn't working. And I need my unichip remapping so I can put the Z32 AFM on.

Mike at Noble said the Z32 was 'faulty'. Fair play to them as they spent well over an hour trying with it and didn't charge me a penny.

As it was my brother that took the car (I had to work), I emailed Noble to ask exactly why it was faulty.

I got....
Hi Shaun
To be honest the boost controller wants taking off and we would ditch the z 32 maf . It appears to us that these are the 2 things at the moment causing your main issues. We dont feel that the issues the z 32 maf is causing are worth the hassles for the return it will give you..,

Regards Mike

Now I have always been really impressed with Noble. Seems like a professional outfit. Nice guys, reasonable prices. Always have loads of really expensive cars they are working on. Always been happy with the service and outcome - until this.

Surley with my set up (see member R section) I need the Z32 a my standard AFM is maxed or on the limit?

Do you think they just can't be ar$£d with my car?

Can anyone recommend anywhere that can remap my unichip to accept the Z32 (or atleast confirm it is faulty and I'll get another)? Obviously the closer to West Yorks the better but willing to travel if need be.

With the boost controller I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. I have always liked my Blitz SBC ID II (until it broke that is!!!!), anyone using the SBC ID III Colour? Or recommend anything else? I suppose there aren't that many gains to be had with a boost controller and it's down to personal preference?

Best break out the wallet - again!!

Cheers all



Whats wrong with the boost controller are they sure its the controller and not another problem ? whats the symptoms ?.

Im not sure about unichips and Z32 Maf's I dont know if they are compatible or not. Have you spoke to Dastek about dealers who can map and the Z32 compatability ?



New Member
Its only boosting to 1.5 bar regardless of what you change on the settings. If I turn it off then it boosts to 0.5 -0.6 bar. I have replaced the solenoid so it can't be that.

Not spoke to Dastek yet, will try them next. They put me onto Noble in the first place, but I didn't have/want/need a Z32 at the time so never asked specifically.

Might want to try somewhere else if anyone can recommend. Only because they are recommending I don't use the Z32!

davey red.r

New Member
the racingline at halifax,
matt is supposed to be well clued up, give him a ring.
never mind them saying dont use it, for christs sake 90%of us upgrade to z32s
f**k them off,and ring above.

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What turbo and spec is fitted along with the actuator rating ?.

1.5 Bar is pushing a standard actuator a bit much in order for it hold the wastegate shut.

As its only boosting to .5 bar wiht the boost controller as it would indicate its a standard actuator or its adjusted a bit low.

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Fusion Ed

Active Member
At over 1.2-1.3 bar stock MAF is no good at all. Z32 becomes no option. IF the actuator spring is not very strong, then to get more than 1.5 bar may become difficult, if you want to run this I would get a stronger actuator, Typically around a bar.


Active Member
Micra Ed said:
At over 1.2-1.3 bar stock MAF is no good at all. Z32 becomes no option. IF the actuator spring is not very strong, then to get more than 1.5 bar may become difficult, if you want to run this I would get a stronger actuator, Typically around a bar.
Just to add to Ed's comments, I'd suspect it is the actuator from how you explain it. If you look at it in it's simplest terms, all the boost control unit is doing, is taking a reading of pressure, and from that reading, telling the solenoid to open or close. As it's working up to 1.5 bar, there is no justification to assume it's broken.
Also, all the MAF does, is measure airflow and turn that reading into a voltage. Again, in simple terms, your just re-calibrating the ecu to accept those new voltages, (as the Z32 clearly differs in these from the stock MAF) so that it can use them in it's calculations for fuelling etc... I'd assume this is just a table change, similar to any remapping process ?!

It would seem that Noble are just trying to fob you off.As above, I'd go somewhere else !



New Member
I have just had the Tubby rebuilt at AET and I think it has a new actuator - but not sure will check.

Although it used to boost to 1.6 and hold no problems.

You'd have thought Noble would have checked this stuff out tho? Seen as their the 'Tuner' and I work for a Mobile phone company - I only have a limited knowledge really.

I need to get someone to check it out for me.

Have used the Racing line before but not their rollers. Might give them a go. They seem expensive tho.

How much am I looking at for a stronger actuator? Bearing in mind I'm just about to pay for a new boost controller and remap! And how come I have never had a problem before now?

Cheers all!