the trouble with this site is it seems a good rep gives you right to rip every c**t off, and your backed the whole way.
at the end of the day it is a blatent con. mabe its time the sellers section was scrapped we all know who to buy parts off if needed...for the rest of us theres ebay a market that is policed properly where you have come backs if the listing is not correct.
all you get on this site is a mod/admin(whatever) saying this aint right..lot of help that is
this aint a dig at the forum all forums are the same
Whether you have policies in place or not - if you're dealing with cash then not even ebay will help you!
I'm a power seller on ebay with a medium sized business and used to run my own forum with classifieds section and what I say to everyone here which I've always said in the past.. if you use paypal or other such payment methods then the buyer is covered with their insurance (normally £500) via paypal. The seller is also covered if sending to a confirmed address with tracking information.
I think the for sales section is a great section on this forum and is used widely by all paid members.. it is the buyers responsibility to carry out safe practices when buying online.
Saying that, this thread has blown way out of proportion as craig has said.. it was 2hrs after nitros first pm that this thread went up. I think after the dissappearance of Dan, we're all expecting other good rep blokes to follow suit but that won't be happening! - just play it safe.. simple!
This forum and it's users is built from reputation, if something isn't right.. give the other guy a chance before making it public.
It isn't the mods/admins job to make sure you don't get conned joey, its their job to make sure this forum is kept clean and accessible. The seller section is an asset to the forum and there to use at your own will and own risk, but stick to the guidelines of online trading and you're safe.