Wideband Sensor / Kit



youngsyp said:
I give up. It's completely pointless trying to communicate with you.
The section I printed was from a company you mentioned. As it looks like you're too ignorant to see why I did that, I'll spell it out for you... It was to show that you were again, talking rubbish and that they state you can mount the sensor anywhere in the exhaust run.

Maybe 2nd time you may have got it but 3rd time nope....
Lets try 1 last time its,

30-36" MAXIMUM distance from exhaust valve (Turbo cars) 16" NA
Not in or after the CAT I say again not In or AFTER the cat
At angle to prevent water ingressing the outer sensor housing and the sensor element and also avoiding heat soak if vertical


youngsyp said:
I have no issue acknowledging the rest of the section as a recommendation from Dynojet but, nothing more than that. And you clearly missed (is there a pattern forming) that they state 10 degrees as a minimum. Mounting the sensor at anywhere between the 10 and 2 oclock position seems to be the norm, depending on space around the pipe.

And, again you seem not to have noticed but, the two companies I mentioned originally i.e. Innovate Motorsport and Zietronix both produce wideband controllers and have done for many years. They also have a very good reputation in the tuning world.

So, that's 3 expert companies that actually make the products that we're discussing, that say the same thing and all you can come up with is AEM and one of their retailers i.e. Alamo Autosports ????!!!!
You might want to look at Bosch's website, they actually make the sensors all these companies use. ;-)
Somehow I think I know that :roll:

youngsyp said:
There's no spam in my comments. It's all fact as anyone can see for themselves.
Ohh so its a good idea to mount the sensor on the tailpipe then at the wrong angle? Even Motec tell you not to place it close to the end of the exhaust due to erratic readings due to Oxygen re-entering the pipe.

youngsyp said:
To cap this post off, I don't care if anyone listens/reads and takes in what I put up. I do it to help them out, not myself. That's what this forum is for I thought ?!
The only thing I would say to do is do some reading yourselves. The answers are out there and very easy to find.
:lol: Classic you firstly tell people they dont know the difference between a RTD EGT and a Bosch Lsu4.2 (When they clearly do) then you tell people not to do as the company says and go and install your sensor in the tailpipe which will give you false readings but hey the club members love it when there money and time is waisted :shock:

youngsyp said:
Oh, and I'll remind people again that JPWard was the one who was adamant that cutting holes in structural parts of the car was a good idea
You should try reading the post i never EVER said it was a good idea but I have seen it done on cars! But you will be the "Caveman" and still be mentioning it in 20 years as you somehow think its something worth mentioning for whatever reason??


But yes your right as you say so right zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oops fell asleep there Maybe we need to spell it out for you Paul,

T h i s i s a t h r e a d a b o u t y o u p r o c l a i m i n g y o u k n o w b e s t b e t t e r t h a n t h e t o p s u p p l i e r s ( Motec,AEM & Dynojet) a n d A l a m o M o t o r s p o r t w h o a r e p r o b a b l y t h e m o s t e x p e r i e n c e d U S b e s p o k e t u r b o k i t f a b r i c a t o r s & t u n e r s . . . . . .



fooking hell cant be arsed to read all way through this thread to much crap in it

my egt is mounted on the turbo itself mate if thats any use to you just 10mm nut tapped into the turbo and then the probe bit (sensor) goes into that

way am lead to belive and from what i have always seen is either mounth it in the manifold itself or in the turbo , or if you feeling realy posh lol you can mount a sensor in each individual runner of the manifold

i aint read all this thread i aint got that much time on my hands lol but ffs boys play nicely your like a pair of bloody women go get a room lol


Active Member
mascot said:
my egt is mounted on the turbo itself mate if thats any use to you just 10mm nut tapped into the turbo and then the probe bit (sensor) goes into that .
This thread is about lambda sensors, not EGT sensors. ;-)



Active Member
well, my wideband came today, after being posted from california on thursday!
now thats service for you
welding plant is waiting in the garage for me so i can spend the day blowing holes through my down pipe.

i might even plug my mines unit in after to do some before / after testing using the blatz and innovate programs. be interesting to see how the two ecu`s compare


GTIR-LOZ said:
i got mine also today very good delivery times

Glad to hear you got them quick

..... So ideas on install locations for the guage then chaps?



Active Member
i`ve got an "a pillar" gauge coming tomorrow from nomad motorsport.
my boost gauge is on a bracket behind the wheel so just went for the single pod.


Active Member
jpward said:
..... So ideas on install locations for the guage then chaps?

I guess it depends on what other gauges you currently have and where ?

I'm starting to have the opinion that I'd only use the wideband gauge if I was mapping the car or added a new 'tuning' part. And that I might actually bin my boost and EGT gauge. I have a boost gauge on my AVCR that I actually use and the EGT is pretty much useless unless you watch it no stop....
So, I stick it in the glove box on a nice bracket so it can be seen with the glove box open.
My brother has his one on the steering column cowl, in his Evo. That works on that as the speedo is useless and he has a HUD for the speed display but, the speedo in the GTiR can actually be read normally so, that's maybe not a great idea.

Then there's the 'A' pillar.

Just a few ideas.

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New Member
i am thinking of maybe the coin holder or maybe in the passanger dashboard, thats the worst thing about getting a new gauge/controller working out actually where to put the thing:lol:


Active Member
strange thing happened with mine. went on holiday for 2 weeks and my afr`s seemed leaner when i got back. hmm, strange i thought. I sorted my turbo holding boost, cranked it up to 1.2 and still it was reading ~12.5 on wot. was 11.5 before.

anyway, thought i`d recalibrate it this morning and hey presto, my afr return to where they were before.

been using the car everyday for a while so think i`m going to have to calibrate it more often than the 3 months it recommends.

just thought i`d let any other users know,
