Why do pulsars break easy??

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Ok ive not broken mine if thats what ur thinking.Im just curious as to why they have such a bad rep for breaking.When i swapped my BM for 1,every1 whos asked me what i swapped it for,and i say a pulsar,the reply i get is "ur crazy those things are totally unreliable u shudve kept the BM".And im like Why??..Anycar could break at some point.
I understand that when u start running more power it shortens the lifespan of the car/engine etc,but this will happen to anycar thats been tuned.

So why do ppl always mention the pulsar when talking about unreliable cars.And why do they break so easy :doh: :doh:
Everytime i drive mine,it just feels like its NOT going to break.Feels so tight and well designed.

P.S I understand that there is the select few(not saying any1 on here)that buy pulsars,turn the boost up and rag the shit out of them and blow them up.


its the age of them, they are old cars now, mine is 16 years old now so things are going to go wrong with it


New Member
Because they are old cars which even as standard are fast, so obviously take a bit of abuse during there life. More often than not aswell people go upping boost etc while not uprating key parts and well summit cant take it!


As you have already stated i think people try and get to much power out a 15 year old car and dont know how hard a life its had already. Anyway i havnt had any bother with the 2 pulsars i had, touch wood :lol:
i must be a slow typer


Active Member
It's nothing to do with how old they are..... It's to do with the people that own them and the way they treat them.

Just because they're cheap to buy, people automatically think they're cheap to maintain.... They're not and as with any car that's tuned, they need more looking after.

And, you see it everyday, people don't understand the phrase 'mechanical sympathy'. ;-)

There's also the people that 'tune' them and have no idea what they're doing and the effect it may have. They just want the car to go faster and don't think of what's needed to achieve that and still retain reliability.

If you get a good one, that's been looked after, and you look after it yourself, with the right fuel and oils, and change the serviceable parts as you should, they're much more reliable than most would give them credit for. In fact, probably more reliable than most of the dross that comes from todays OEMs.

Rant over.



New Member
I wouldnt even class my Pulsar unreliable, been fantastic in nearly 2 years of ownership apart from my girlfriend blowing up the gearbox within 7 miles of me buying the car.

Obviously theres general wear and tear, but nothing I would class as oh god its Renault time again. Gotta agree with the tight and well designed, Considering its such an old car I find its much more solid to drive than many newer cars ive driven, doesnt feel like a 15 year old car to drive. Aboslutely love it. MOT is due in 2 weeks, I rekon it`ll fly through again.

I would say the reliability issues come down too, wind the boost right up the day someone buys one, Launch it every set of traffic lights, cant be bothered to maintain one. Drive like a twat and thrash it from cold (usually a ford driver). Its a car that needs to be maintained but then you look after it it`ll keep on going and bring smiles all day long. Just hope petrol doesnt go up 20% everyyear :(


youngsyp said:
It's nothing to do with how old they are..... It's to do with the people that own them and the way they treat them.

Just because they're cheap to buy, people automatically think they're cheap to maintain.... They're not and as with any car that's tuned, they need more looking after.

And, you see it everyday, people don't understand the phrase 'mechanical sympathy'. ;-)

There's also the people that 'tune' them and have no idea what they're doing and the effect it may have. They just want the car to go faster and don't think of what's needed to achieve that and still retain reliability.

If you get a good one, that's been looked after, and you look after it yourself, with the right fuel and oils, and change the serviceable parts as you should, they're much more reliable than most would give them credit for. In fact, probably more reliable than most of the dross that comes from todays OEMs.

Rant over.


Most of the gti-r's out there are not looked after properly, simple as that.

Most people just don't have a clue or any mechanical sympathy. Prevention is the best cure!

Since I bought my car I've been gradually going through things, replacing parts I think may need doing in the near future (parts that are 'ok' now) There's the difference, most people wait for stuff to break then fix it. If you look after your cars and get to know them then you should be replacing stuff before it's too late.

If a GTi-R had a servicing schedule as comprehensive as BMW for example through it's entire life and everyone stuck to it there'd be little problem. In reality most are heaps because they've had years of neglect. When you look at it from the years of neglect point of view they are actually pretty reliable IMO.

I'm on my 5th GTi-R in 10 years and the worst problem I've had was a split clutch hose.. so again a poor maintenance issue.. rubber hose gets old and perrishes, 5hit happens!


because little knobs buy the car and drive it around like they stole it - showing off to their mates in the saxos with 100 tail pipes exiting thru the rear bumper!

I unfortunately know a person of this pedigree who bought the pulsar for bragging rights and when he realised he had a sh1tter ( not listening to my advice to buy from someone here or 'trusted') he kept moaning about how sh1t pulsars are :lol: :lol: - an example of a lad who knew f all about cars...nevermind R's... Just wanted to be 'The Man'

And when the going gets tough - they run back to their renault 182s (which break more :lol:)

Pulsars rule - expect to get your hands dirty from time to time (not neccessarily a bad thing :) )
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fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
youngsyp said:
It's nothing to do with how old they are..... It's to do with the people that own them and the way they treat them.

Treat it with respect and it will last a long time, abuse it and you’ll have some nice bills to contend with.

Use quality and don’t cut corners. Granted at 15 years there are a few bits that need changing, but what older car doesn’t

Most people that go "gearboxes are shite and rubbish reliability" have never owned on and just go off stupid reviews from crap mags and chinese wispers


Active Member
Got to agree with the above. For instance how they have a reputation for a weak gearbox along with the Mazda 323 Gt-r. It's not rocket science to figure out that they will break when forums contain discussions like :

A : How do I launch my 1.2 bar R?
B : Keep the revs at 6K, then let go of the clutch.

They're meant to be driven, but not unless you take proper care of them.


New Member
Trondelond said:
A : How do I launch my 1.2 bar R?
B : Keep the revs at 6K, then let go of the clutch.
There's the problem, if they launched it at 5.5k they would never break the box! :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
stugtir300 said:
buy a fiat,then u will know wot unreliable is.
*shudders* I made that mistake for my first car, lets just say I'll never be doing it again :doh:


Active Member
John said:
*shudders* I made that mistake for my first car, lets just say I'll never be doing it again :doh:
neither will i,but i also doubt i will buy another r,although touch wood i havent had a problem with mine:doh: ;-)


New Member
youngsyp said:
It's nothing to do with how old they are..... It's to do with the people that own them and the way they treat them.
i would've used the term 'cheap, incapable cnuts' that own them instead of people :lol:

my road car was 100% reliable, no more hassle than any other car


Active Member
I have owned mine for 5 years and raced it for 3 years and only at the end of the year did the G/Box start making funny noises, but its still all in once piece and running. For a 15 year old car I dont think that is to bad by any standad.


New Member
pulsarmark said:
Yer mine was reliable untill i got boost happy:lol:
1.3 bar, standard internals, 340 and 309lbft, standard management. ran fine for 3 years, just a few bolt on bits, you just need to know how to treat them :lol:

only got destroyed as i went to court and lost interest in quick road cars


Active Member
ive owned mine now for 2 and a half years with only miner problems,ie hole in the exhaust and the alternator spitting out the bolt that holds it to the engine,apart from that its been alot of fun.especially toasting every scooby,cossie and m3 in sight.
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