quote:Originally posted by vpulsar
I don't mean I know better than them it's just there refusal to answer
question's. I put a lot of efort in to finding out about what works on
are engines and what doesn't but there all seem to have dif ideas and
any you have are dismissed out of hand. As for timescale why tell someone there engine will be done in a month when you know it will take 6. And as for dodgy supplyers and machine shops[

] well thats
down to you to find the best and not just the cheapest t00ers out there if you can't rely on them don't use them[

] simple aah[^].
And why is it we get are cars not engine put back together by the
yts no brains you all seem to have working for you[?][?][V][

the last time my car wen't in to a tuner(very well known) it came
out with the wishbones not done up and loose engine mounts I could
of been killed funny ah.
Now I'm not saying your the same gtir369 because you have a good
rep[^][8D] but you all seem to have this holler than thou attitude
you have to start talking to your customer's not down to them[

i often say to people that the forums are great but,for every nugget of useful info you get,you have to sift thru a ton of bull**** to get to it.it`s exactly the same with the tuners who get hundreds of customers coming thru their doors with the next great idea.i`ve lost count of the times that i`ve gone to dp and said can we try this only to be told that such and such a person or tuner has tried this and it didn`t work.there are very few genuine ideas that can be used to advance the cause,it`s just the same ideas getting recycled.
timescales:-the tuners can only give estimates for rebuilds etc based on delivery estimates by their suppliers.they also often get emergencies where priorities have to be allocated to every job they have on the go.
we as customers shouldn`t have to get involved in sourcing suppliers,machine shops etc.we should be able to just leave the car and tell the tuner to get on with it.they choose their own suppliers because they are local and can usually be relied on,sometimes they have to use suppliers even if they don`t want to cause there is nobody else.
everyone has to learn somewhere,in saying that,if the person doing the work is not qualified/competent there work should be checked carefully.
everything i say on these forums is said with only good intentions but,i get really pissed off with narrow minded people that won`t try other options.i really hate when all people talk about is hks this or tomei that etc etc.
as for tuners talking down to customers,well that is unforgiveable{?} considering that if it was not for us they would not be in business.poss they get tired of answering the same things day in and day out.