Currently restoring the R, and its now time to attack the rear wheel arch, great!
Already cut and patched in a section at the rear end of the arch, behind the fuel filler pipe, although the section had many curves bends etc it all went very well, and fitted perfect. Started on the other end last night where the sill meets, thought nice easy repair, cut the section of sill out where the arch curve meets and new bit in job done, if only!

That shows how much ive had to cut away, inner arch, lower part of quarter panel over sill, sill, jacking point thingy.......

inside the sill, although it looked ok on the outside, underneath is really rusty, to be honest the whole length inside is the same, metal feels sound when hitting with a hammer all the way along, inject some Dinitrol cavity wax before closing up..

Photo doesn't show the rust up that well..
The main problem I have is, where the sill and floor pan flange meet up, theres also a panel between them that should be in the flange but has rusted away:

Where the pressed cut out holes are is the piece in question.. I don't know what to do about this, to cut this out and replace would mean cutting the quarter panel out, cut sill out just to get to it, which seems a bit drastic..
It comes up to where my finger is pointing:

Im making a new sill section and piece from the floor pan to create a new flange:

From the diagram you can see where the rusty bit should be. Im thinking just to cut the rest of the rusty bits off that and leave it out that flange join thingy? To get a piece welded back on will be a mission in a tight space, obviously its there for a reason..
Anyone else come across this before?
Other photos of the arch, cut out the rust from below fuel filler and behind fuel filler, new sections made and welded in (ran out of argonshield, so bit behind fuel filler not welded in)

Currently restoring the R, and its now time to attack the rear wheel arch, great!
Already cut and patched in a section at the rear end of the arch, behind the fuel filler pipe, although the section had many curves bends etc it all went very well, and fitted perfect. Started on the other end last night where the sill meets, thought nice easy repair, cut the section of sill out where the arch curve meets and new bit in job done, if only!

That shows how much ive had to cut away, inner arch, lower part of quarter panel over sill, sill, jacking point thingy.......

inside the sill, although it looked ok on the outside, underneath is really rusty, to be honest the whole length inside is the same, metal feels sound when hitting with a hammer all the way along, inject some Dinitrol cavity wax before closing up..

Photo doesn't show the rust up that well..
The main problem I have is, where the sill and floor pan flange meet up, theres also a panel between them that should be in the flange but has rusted away:

Where the pressed cut out holes are is the piece in question.. I don't know what to do about this, to cut this out and replace would mean cutting the quarter panel out, cut sill out just to get to it, which seems a bit drastic..
It comes up to where my finger is pointing:

Im making a new sill section and piece from the floor pan to create a new flange:

From the diagram you can see where the rusty bit should be. Im thinking just to cut the rest of the rusty bits off that and leave it out that flange join thingy? To get a piece welded back on will be a mission in a tight space, obviously its there for a reason..
Anyone else come across this before?
Other photos of the arch, cut out the rust from below fuel filler and behind fuel filler, new sections made and welded in (ran out of argonshield, so bit behind fuel filler not welded in)
