the club have gone through a lot change's mainly be cause "we" the member decided to we wanted paid membership, only a few mod's at the time where/wanted to go this route. i remember caleb stating that the club forum would alway's be free to use and join.but as with all thing's you carn't keep doing the same stuff, in order to survive it has increase/decrease/expand/ contract, and due to the nature how we run this forum the mod's where only selected for editing and keeping an eye on post's.with support from member in indiviual area's to organise meet's etc.since the loss of poeple who use to own gtir's and have moved on in thier life's certian position that where taken by these people where made vacant, finding suitable replacement was hard.all poeple on here have thier good point's and bad point's some are good at one particular aspect and some that aren,t. and the club had to make a collective effort to get different people with different abilites to try bash out something that looked like club.but with people continually not understanding the difficulty's. presumed the mod's where all knowing and wise, and they where chosen and should be responsible for all area's in which the club was running. i admit that the club should communcate better with it member's and we have progressed (voting for new mod's/representative's new section) and am sure we still have a lot to do but again this take time,time that we freely have to give, even though we have to live our own live's and problem encountered with other aspect of our private live's.
(hope your still reading this).but without the support of all our member we would be no where, and no club can function without comitment from each indivual.therefore each need to ask what they want from the club, weather advice,organising,communcating, the mod's are there to listen and if possible to add support any effort establish,promote the club even though some of us may lack neccessary skill's (me).
i will no longer be mod and have decided to step down.there is a vacancy availble for anyone who wishe's to fill it.