What other engines fit???


New Member
Im just wondering what other engines fit in the 'R'?? My friend is thinking of doing a swap as his engine has blown.:thumbsup:


New Member
well apart from removing the steering rack, chopping out the majority of the bulkhead and transmission tunnel, making up completely new engine mounts, re-forming the bulkhead/tunnel to suit the new engine and box, getting the gtst subframe to fit and the steering rack to actually work, modifying the prop so it actually fits, sorting out the drive ratio on the rear diff to suit the gtst gearbox by either using the gtst diff or changing the ratio on the gtir diff (wont happen), if using a gtst diff you then need to sort out the issue with the driveshafts fitting, re-wiring the entire ecu/engine loom to suit the gtst ecu or whatever standalone you choose to run and sorting out the untold amount of problems that you will no doubt come across whilst wasting time, money and effort on this ridiculous plan it probably wouldn't be that hard...lol

tell your mate to stop dreaming about something that will not happen this side of doomsday ever occuring and just get a second hand gtir engine from somewhere or rebuild whats already in there.
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Active Member
You been watching the chop shop on discovery ;-)
They put a scoobie engine and running gear in a golf!

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Fusion Ed

Active Member
well apart from removing the steering rack, chopping out the majority of the bulkhead and transmission tunnel, making up completely new engine mounts, re-forming the bulhead/tunnel to suit the new engine and box, getting the gtst subframe to fit and the steering rack to actually work, modifying the prop so it actually fits, sorting out the drive ratio on the rear diff to suit the gtst gearbox by either using the gtst diff or changing the ratio on the gtir diff (wont happen), if using a gtst diff you then need to sort out the issue with the driveshafts fitting, re-wiring the entire ecu/engine loom to suit the gtst ecu or whatever standalone you choose to run and sorting out the untold amount of problems that you will no doubt come across whilst wasting time, money and effort on this ridiculous plan it probably wouldn't be that hard...lol
Great, now I have something to do over the holidays!


the funny thing is im actually seriously toying with the idea of mid mounting the gtir engine and fitting in a space frame to the rear but as close to the font seats as possible.
now whether this will actually ever take place is another story:lol: but i cant see as its that hard to do once you have the alignment issues worked out with the rear diff (which may need angling up a few degrees as the engine will sit on an angle towards rear)
it will also not cost much money to do just labour time really!

the hardest part will be making a strong enough frame to take the mounts as engine will need to be mounted from side of block as well as front.
would also need a cradle to hold tail end of gearbox.
the petrol tank would also have to go, as well as the centre floorpan. then would just need extended pipes from big front rad to engine.
you could also run some kind of ducting to engine to help with air cooling also.

i think it would be a great fun car pushing out around 450bhp through the rear wheels and the car should then be very well balanced without the big lumpy weight over the front wheels.

and the other good thing is that you can retain all the engine management system and wiring (it will just need relocating), this will then also give you the chance to fit a different kind of box off say a 200sx which shouldnt spill its gutts everywhere as the car will simply break traction when too much power is applied. but you could fit quaife or similar internals thus giving you a much more reliable car8)

anyone see any other major probs i would encounter by doing this conversion?
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New Member
id tell your mate that his best bet is to rebuild it with uprated pistons and be happy! then bolt on a bigger turbo and supporting mods if he's after more power. that is why he was thinking of doing an engine conversion isnt it? or does he just want to say hes done something different?

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
anyone see any other major probs i would encounter by doing this conversion?
I can see a problem.....


the funny thing is im actually seriously toying with the idea of mid mounting the gtir engine and fitting in a space frame to the rear but as close to the font seats as possible.
now whether this will actually ever take place is another story but i cant see as its that hard to do once you have the alignment issues worked out with the rear diff (which may need angling up a few degrees as the engine will sit on an angle towards rear)
it will also not cost much money to do just labour time really!

the hardest part will be making a strong enough frame to take the mounts as engine will need to be mounted from side of block as well as front.
would also need a cradle to hold tail end of gearbox.
the petrol tank would also have to go, as well as the centre floorpan. then would just need extended pipes from big front rad to engine.
you could also run some kind of ducting to engine to help with air cooling also.

i think it would be a great fun car pushing out around 450bhp through the rear wheels and the car should then be very well balanced without the big lumpy weight over the front wheels.

and the other good thing is that you can retain all the engine management system and wiring (it will just need relocating), this will then also give you the chance to fit a different kind of box off say a 200sx which shouldnt spill its gutts everywhere as the car will simply break traction when too much power is applied. but you could fit quaife or similar internals thus giving you a much more reliable car

no offence bob, but i really dont see how doing all this will make a reliable car?


well firstly as i said the car will be far better balanced which will mean more fun and faster lap times (in the dry anyway lol)

second big prob with the R as you well know martyn is gggggearbox so by eliminating the 4wd you will therefore drastically reduce the probs with busted casings due to the fact that your putting the power through the rear as opposed to all 4 wheels, this in turn will also mean clutches will be more reliable

third prob is cooling, by freeing up a lot of space under the bonnet you then have the option to run a huge rad with cooling fans and to run a fully pumped system also ducting to the engine to aid with cooling, the opportunity is then also there to run a far bigger oil cooler to keep those temps down on track.
this in turn should make for a far more reliable engine at high revs for sustained periods of time.

i know these things can be done at the moment with engine front mounted but space is the problem (simply not enough of it) so if engine does have to be dropped it can then take much longer to remove all the shite out the way, but if engine was mid mounted imagine how easy it would be to repair if probs should arise.
no more knuckle scraping as every part of the engine will be easily accessible:-D
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South West Regional Rep
Why not go down the twin engine route. One for for front wheels and one for the rear.

That way you have a back up engine for when the other croaks

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
i know what your saying bob but although your removing the 4wd, which gearbox are you going to use thatll take 400-450hp all day long? theres not going to be enough room to run a rwd box and a diff, so you would have to have a fwd gearbox and the engine mounted transverse again? thus giving you a head scratching problem of gear selection?

cooling surely isnt such an issue that you have to move an engine to make it more efficient?

i can see the appeal to have something different, but the amount of work involved is surprising.

on the subject of twin engine, then i know how much work is involved as my mate has a twin engined astra, the fab work involved is tremendious! add to that gear selection, cooling and heat transfer, it soon adds up to a major project.

good luck if you do go for it though!


New Member
the way to do a mid/rear mounted engined pulsar, is like martyn says by fitting the engine transverse in the rear and using a fwd box. The way they used to do it on the r5gtt's, escorts, golfs etc was to weld in the front the same car as the engine and use that for the mounts. There is no way what-so-ever you could get the engine and a 200sx gearbox in the rear and get it to connect up with anything that would be lined up to send drive to the rear wheels. Its a waste of time even considering it anyways unless it was for pure novelty factor, like the ferrari engined gtir that megamodz are doing, its cool, but its a novelty imho. You can get a gtir to handle well enough if you get the suspension set up right (phil (bracpan) is just one example whos managed it)

in regards to the amount of room at the front of a pulsar if you get rid of all the Sh!t that nissan crammed in their that you dont really need, you actually end up with a fair bit of room. Everything that nissan stuffed in thier is just to fussy, the vac lines are a mess, the wiring is a mess, the whole car is a mess tbh...lol

I'd actually suggest that a mid engined. rwd gtir is going to handle worse than they do standard..lol. the wheel base is short and i'd expect it to have a tendency to swap ends rather rapidly, same as the clio v6's did until renault worked on the chassis. The gtir was never designed to be rwd, it was barely designed to be awd tbh being based on a fwd sunny shell...lol

the time and effort wasted trying to do anything being discussed here would be much better spent working what with what you have imho.


the way to do a mid/rear mounted engined pulsar, is like martyn says by fitting the engine transverse in the rear and using a fwd box. The way they used to do it on the r5gtt's, escorts, golfs etc was to weld in the front the same car as the engine and use that for the mounts. There is no way what-so-ever you could get the engine and a 200sx gearbox in the rear and get it to connect up with anything that would be lined up to send drive to the rear wheels.

thats scuppered that plan then lol, i was thinking of mounting it inline but was just an idea, thought there would have been enough lengh with the engine mounted behind front seat.

oh well back to the drawing board:lol:


New Member
oh yeah, do us all a favour and keep such stupid ideas to yourself in the future...lol
Werent my idea, and keep your shitty comments to yourself, only asking for a friend, i wouldnt bother with doing it. Yeah he was basically wanting more power and reliability with it which the puslar never really offers


oh dear, i feel a verbal assault coming on now:behindsofa::lol: