RF shielding is normally metal rather than rubber but that will also help. You have put the sensor in a metal box which is a good place to start so I'd expect if you have an RF problem it's the cable rather than the sensor. To screen a cable from electromagnetic interference (EMI) you use a screen that you earth at one end. Earthing screens at both ends can induce ground loops and create different problems.
Prevention is better than cure, make sure all your sensitive signal cables are away from RF sources (Ignition, starter, alternator etc) and where they need to cross do it at 90deg. Two cables running parallel can induce noise. I shield mine in plastic ducting to give some RF protection but mainly additional mechanical protection. With an electrical background I also have cable OCD ;-)
Check your earths. Are both MAF's earthed locally as well as at the ECU? If they are earthed locally is there anything else earthed at the same location inducing a ground loop?
It could be the sensor itself but checking/cleaning earths and RF sources is never a bad place to start.