New Member
cheers for that valid pointer shaun, much apriciated
Im running sikoline fully synthetic oil so all should be well.
Fubar Andy, looks like your in the same boat as me then mate. i do have water injection on mine but its not set up yet so i wont be using that. I have re-directed me water washer jets to the rad so i might spray a bit as a test etc? See you there mate. We are staying at the Holiday Inn, just up the road from donny, and then heading down there in the morn.
Cheers braveheart
Mark. Lol yeah probably, but i didnt have the white dials in when we went to castle coombe that time, id say its prob a dodgy guage or somat? Glad its sorted now though and yeah them white guages are a right pain in the ar@se to fit and i was lucky i came away with only the rev meter reading 500 rpm more than it should but this was a blessing as on the sound checks the marshals are looking at the guage and thinking im reving to 4500rpm, but really im only at 4000 hahaha. Hows the arm now? you back at work yet?
Fubar Andy, looks like your in the same boat as me then mate. i do have water injection on mine but its not set up yet so i wont be using that. I have re-directed me water washer jets to the rad so i might spray a bit as a test etc? See you there mate. We are staying at the Holiday Inn, just up the road from donny, and then heading down there in the morn.
Cheers braveheart
Mark. Lol yeah probably, but i didnt have the white dials in when we went to castle coombe that time, id say its prob a dodgy guage or somat? Glad its sorted now though and yeah them white guages are a right pain in the ar@se to fit and i was lucky i came away with only the rev meter reading 500 rpm more than it should but this was a blessing as on the sound checks the marshals are looking at the guage and thinking im reving to 4500rpm, but really im only at 4000 hahaha. Hows the arm now? you back at work yet?