Vac plumbing

Does anyone know where the TMIC is connected to. On mine at the top right i have tube poking out and im assuming it goes somewhere? lol


Active Member
it goes to the pipe on the left of the plenum, the other end goes to the wastegate or boost solenoid if still in place
I already have one pipe going from the left of the plenum (as you look from the rear of engine bay) to the actuator via a bleed valve. My solanoid has been bypased completly. I just have a etal pipe poking out the top of the intercooler now thats not even blocked off?? how strange lol


Active Member
the metal pipe was originally used to route the plenum pipe, obviously it has been routed around the intercooler now. (the metal pipe exits below the intercooler, nissan must of thought it necessary to put this pointless bit of metal pipe in)


Active Member
both ends are probably connected to nothing, take the intercooler off and youll see its just a small bit of metal pipe to help with routing
well not really the title was vac plumbing, and my query was to do with this. It may have helped you also.
Cheers for the info on the TMIC pipe tho steve 8)


Active Member

your vac at idle is to high, mine is about -40/-50 Hmmg?? or someting like that (mm of mercury) so it does look like you have a leak somewhere


Active Member
not sure, some conversion website says that is -67 on my gauge, so that seems good (if I read the website correct)


New Member
oh actually i just read my guage a bit better and it seems possitive pressure is read in PSI and vac pressure is read in HG. so thats means i have around 13 hg at idle.


New Member
well we seem to have 600 views and 30 odd posts for a bit of plumbing.

Im just gonna start ripping shit apart and going from there because it seems we have the people that like to read but not help.