Travelo Speed Camera


Well if you do get caught and try and contest your innocence you've kinda just shot yourself in your foot by posting on a internet forum that you did that speed knowingly and were driving.

Good luck to you and all that jazz but if you do get a letter through the door I can see a 12 month ban on the cards im afraid.
why would the police waste there time running an investigation on the internet if i try to testify as innocent of the speeding offence? in aid of finding information such as this disclosed in this thread? lol


New Member
why would the police waste there time running an investigation on the internet if i try to testify as innocent of the speeding offence? in aid of finding information such as this disclosed in this thread? lol
Lots of people have been caught via youtube for speeding and I've read numourous cases of people being caught telling porkies in court via bragging on forums in the newspapers, right enough tabloids so the truth in it may be lacking!

Im just saying I doubt its the wisest of things to go about posting about your law breaking in such a public place, infact I know alot of other forums forbid such threads due to the poor image it gives the owners club.

Then again I leave it up to your great judgement as lets not forget you are the one that drove through a known speed camera at licence losing speeds, but I know if were you Id be deleting this thread.


Active Member
100mph is an instant ban , you could try get away with points and a big fine if you go to court and say you need your licence for work ! my 2p

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
Are these the cameras the ones take the photo from the front if so denial looks like a problem. On another note do you have any uprated parts :lol:as your driving days could be up for some time and you will be making a court aperance


Active Member
i want to shot gun the 28rs!!

actually thinking about this, although a stupid thing to do, its abit of a shame as haven`t you just got this fixed with a forged engine etc.?

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Truvelo = front facing
Gatso = Rear facing
SPECs = Average speed measurement systems.

Those are the big 3.


i want to shot gun the 28rs!!

actually thinking about this, although a stupid thing to do, its abit of a shame as haven`t you just got this fixed with a forged engine etc.?

yeah i have just got her working recently the car will stay regardless and i will just complete my work and have her ready for the day i can drive again. I've fitted a bigger set up so i will probobly have the 28rs for sale small whining noise from the turbo but when i took it off there was 1 or 2 loose bolts which could have caused it to leak pressure on boost but yeah it will be for sale fairly cheap and i dont think it would cost much or maybe anything at all to resolve this.


New Member
by law they have 14 days i have been flashed a before and heard nothing, so hopefully could be ok