top speed in a gtir...


Active Member
F1 wheels are that size because of the rules, no other reason..

smaller diameter tyres will give faster acceleration but slower top speed

larger diameter tyres will have higher top speed but slower acceleration.


Active Member
This is all a joke right we have just had 2 or 3 pages on how different size wheels work from push bikes to monster trucks to f1 cars lol:der:
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Active Member
it must be a joke cos no-one could be that stupid, but then again he does come from essex :der:


i think going fast (top speed) and going fast (acceleration) is what is getting mixed up here. also what is getting mixed up here is the definition of wheel, we are not talking about size of rim only, but the overall diameter and circumference of the wheel + tyre. but this is just repeating itself now, as rishi has already explained this in his very informative post.

p.s while i was writing this stumo just said basically what i wrote about the tyre bit :doh:
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:target: ha ha ha you guys will argue about anything!!
good arguement though!
will get you all on track one way or another, pete aint doing all this organising for nothing you know!
and there aint nothing wrong with essex boys, we can wind peeps up better than anyone!
nite nite time now.


you boys are all show and no go, lets do our talking on the track, where it counts!!


Still waiting on some shims!
pulsarboby said:
right that does it!
big wheel with same revolution will cover smaller distance than smaller wheel as smaller wheel will turn twice as fast ie 1 rpm engine 1rpm wheel 14s-28s half revolution= more speed lower size wheel
will see you all on track and back up my theory, if your all man enough for it!!!
or is it just all:yawn: idle talk?
bullshit stops when the flag drops!
bring it on dumbo's

I urge you to stop.... Really... You're starting to really worry me... :shock:

Rocket Scientist - AJ4 is going to have a field day with you... :lol:

i can see your train of thought but its just not right... Remember you have to forget about power and torque and just look at the fact that if you had 2 GTiR's in the same gear/ratios and the same rpm it would be the one with larger wheels that would be travelling faster...

You are looking at it the other way around where two cars of the same torque then the one with smaller wheels would accelerate quicker as it doesn't take as much energy to turn the wheel... And even then you seem to have the concept of rpm, distance and speed wrong...



South West Regional Rep
How could you not understand it when explained like above.

Can anyone confirm that with 14" wheels the RPM is about 3600 as this seems a little low (Bearing in mind I ain't got a clue :))


let me make sure i've got this right as i'm having trouble keeping up.

big ones fast

small ones slow

essex bloke stupid

:thumbsup: :lol:


South West Regional Rep
tro|| said:
let me make sure i've got this right as i'm having trouble keeping up.

big ones fast

small ones slow

essex bloke stupid

:thumbsup: :lol:
Big ones for faster top speed (if the car has the power) and slower acceleration

Smaller ones for faster acceleration and slower top end

Above based on overall wheel circumference


pulsarboby said:
no no no i aint on drugs:shock: fact!!! bigger wheels means faster acceleration but lower top speed! its a matter of gearing.
on a pushbike 5th is smallest gear at rear, pedal slowly go faster.
big gear is first, pedal same speed and pull away quickly
same thing with wheels smaller wheels = more top speed but slower acceleration
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' bigger wheels= max acceleration but lower top speed!
its the same thing as gear ratios, dont take a rocket scientist to work that out!!!
go back to the drawing board:thumbsup:

I think you need to go back to school matey :shock: :roll: , For someone that says he races his car you just made yourself look a total fool :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I can't be ar5ed to put you right :yawn: :roll: , Or answer this stupid top speed question that 99.9% of forum members already know the answer to :der: :roll: .

Stumo/troll where do we keep finding these thick brain dead halfwits ?, Is their a special school that keeps churning out halfwits or is it just an Essex thing ?.

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kenan said:
Big ones for faster top speed (if the car has the power) and slower acceleration

Smaller ones for faster acceleration and slower top end

Above based on overall wheel circumference
i was being sarcastic ;-)

the smaller rolling radius = quicker acceleration is not entirely true in the real world.

the smaller wheel/tyre combo will indeed accelerate quicker but it will also break traction easier which will mean your not accelerating anywhere :doh: so a bigger wheel may get up you through the gears quicker aswell... of course this applies to cars with big power more than a lowered power car


pulsarboby said:
how long did it take to find that photo mr troll? what is happening here? are you all as bored as me????

:doh: your all the thickos who didnt get that i was simply bored and thought id amuze myself by seeing how many peeps i could wind up!!
lambs to the slaughter,all of you.:loco:
think ill find a cliff and jump off and you can all follow me and we can argue on the way down to whos gonna hit ground first!!!!:fight1: :fight1: :fight1: for those that still dont realise,I'm now trying to save face after being made to look a total fool, by saying it was a wind up!!!
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South West Regional Rep
tro|| said:
i was being sarcastic ;-)
I know :-D

tro|| said:
the smaller rolling radius = quicker acceleration is not entirely true in the real world.

the smaller wheel/tyre combo will indeed accelerate quicker but it will also break traction easier which will mean your not accelerating anywhere :doh: so a bigger wheel may get up you through the gears quicker aswell... of course this applies to cars with big power more than a lowered power car

If this is true then why to the big poer GTRs all run on small wheels for drag racing if they will loose traction :p for example the sumo 34 and the top secret 33