Hi my name is Daniel and I was putting my tein coilover kit (adjustable height and stiffness) on my car a few days ago and used the OEM topmounts. The only thing I need to know is how to tighten the rod top nut on the rear of the car without turning the rod like it says in the manual from Tein? Do I do final tightening with the car´s full weight on the dampers,(the problem then is The rod will turn, or do I take Dampers of the car and do final tightening with damper off the car and with spring seat in lowest height position or in recomended position (25mm up the thread)
Sorry If this description doesn´t come out right
But I think if someone has fitted the tein kit with OEM topmount he will know what I´m talking about.
Thanks in advance
Sorry If this description doesn´t come out right
Thanks in advance