Its true, but thats what TimeAttack is about.
Its not about the drivers, but about the cars. Tuning companies and parts suppliers showing what they can do. Of course the driver makes a lot of differance, and I wouldnt be suprised to see several BTCC class driver in the top Procars this year, but thats fine I think
Last year 35 club entrants, 17 claiming 500bhp or more. So I should have been in the bottom half of the feild. No, I was in the top 10 twice. It feels good passing 600bhp rich boys who cant drive. Dont get me wrong, I'm no driving god myself, but I am also not crap and have a decent amount of tracktime under my belt.
I dont have anyone building my car other than me and a few friends in a barn on top of a moor. I have a tuner to map the car, thats the only thing I dont do myself. Apex loans me a few grands worth of parts (brakes, wheels & gearbox) but 80% is owned and paid for by me, I'm a true club level guy even if I do work for a parts supplier. My car is mainly Apex "own brand" items, not big jap brands. I think my car would cost around £15K to replicate from scratch, some people have spent more than that on the base car before mods. I bougth my S13 for £250
I'll be aiming for top 10 again this year, and to be one of the fastest RWD in club, maybe even a top 6 place at one event will be possible.
I have to say I'm a fan, and we are sponsoring the Time Attack series as well this year
KSport - Official braking system of Time Attack 2008
KSport - Official suspension system of EDC 2008
fubar andy said:
The thing I have about Time Attack is that, say you (Kev) are the most skilled driver at Time Attack, your still not going to be able to stand out to impress or show your skills to anyone due to the fact that some rich fat boy next to you owns a 900hp evo with thousands of pounds poured in to the development and its creation.
Your sat in your 400hp 200SX thinking “I could beat him” as he’s not really worked on his own car or knows the “in’s and out’s like I do”, yet when it comes to the track he just pulls away like your sat still. (that wasn't a dig btw ;-) )
Looking at it I sometimes think that it’s just futile, as skilled drivers will never make 1st 2nd or 3rd and the real winners are people that have the biggest pockets. :der:
I spoke to Marc about it and they were going to have a 3rd class this year, but that seems to have been disregarded.
I still think that TA should have a pro class for all the “hardcore tuner” companies, but then have the rest of the club class split into power to weight categories (two maybe threes groups) so that we can see who has “real skills” and others that just have deep pockets. 8)