Thinking of starting a new business...


New Member
Sounds like a good Idea Ross, save a lot of people paying a large amount of money that they don't need to spend on somthing.

I am intrested in a few things, the shift light being one of them.

As kieron said just coz it has a name ie HKS on it doesn't mean it is a lot better than anything a bit cheaper.



There is always a market place for a no-nonsense, simple, explanatory, no-frills, reliable, flexible, personable and respectful tuner/tuning product fabricator, especially when its specific for the R (there is space cos one doesn't exist).

I would buy your products, but it would also be great if you would tune R’s using the power FC.

Your power fc guide on here is dead good, but I’d still quite happily pay for you to show me the ropes on my car.

Tuners in the UK are a funny lot, no imagination:

‘Stage 3 tuning: 300bhp. You’ll have no idea what we’ve done, still be clueless about tuning and all for a billion quid, but don’t worry the products all have HKS written on them, so must be good’

A couple of neat circuit boards nicely tucked away in the glovebox sounds good to me.


Dooie Pop Pop said:
can i have a wide band that clips in the end of my exhaust? will accept one that goes into the larger lamba hole as i have a (DOH!) janspeed with a boss
Stu, it would be better in the manifold or downpipe somewhere, I've killed a few widebands by having them in the tailpipe for some reason. I think they're better at 90' to the airflow, and I had them face on to the airflow so they got manked up easily :( I've now got one in a spare downpipe, just after the tubby. Only takes two minutes to swap it in and out.


On the speed delimiter front how about the following:

An interceptor which coverts the pulse to MPH for the speedo then back to KPH for the feed to the ECU.

Also a module (not sure what it'd called) which grabs the ECU signal and stops it from going beyond a certain level (ie 180kph).

You would then have one product which could be used on any limited kph car. You could both convert to MPH and de-limit or just de-limit (for those down under).

Likewise the Skyline/300ZX lot would have a product which would chuff their speed sensitive ECU goodies (like HICAS which goes mad if you convert to MPH as it triggers at the wrond speeds).

I'd love the idea of a boost controller which could be tucked away behind the dash nice and neatly. Then replacing one of the dash blanks with an appropriate switch (for high and low boost) would give a lovely "stealth" install. No shiney gizmos for scrotes to try and break into the car to steal.


New Member
An interceptor which coverts the pulse to MPH for the speedo then back to KPH for the feed to the ECU
no need to convert back to KPH as its the same signal, so my opinion is to just leave the pulse divided by 1.609 which will give your speedo a MPH reading and tell the ecu that the car is doing 111.870 KPH so still have 68.130 still to go as far as the ecu knows, but this also gets x 1.609 which allows you to reach a theoretical top speed of approx288/289 MPH

>180 / 1.609 = 118.870
>180 - 111.870 = 68.13
>68.13 x 1.609 = 109.621
>180 + 109.621 = 289.621 or

180 x 1.609 = 289.62

Its not thats its now delimited its just i doubt an R would reach 289 MPH.


ECU s ?

Could you do an ECU or at least modify the existing one ?
Ive PMd you ref this , please get back to us


I could... but it would be extremely time consuming and expensive for one ECU. For the price of an Emanage or Unichip, you would be better off going down that route.

Hopefully, eventually, I'll get round to a complete management system, but its way down the road at the moment :(


Go for it AJ4, I sure as hell would if I had the knowhow.
I'd just start with stuff you can sell to as wide a market as poss such as shift lights (have you seen the pivot one that you just plug into the fag lighter? amazing stuff, signal off the alternator or something), etc. then focus on more tech or vehicle specific stuff once the cash starts rollin in :wink:

I think if you want to make money you have to sell some bolt on bling because there is such a huge market in aftermarket tat for "lax power" type cars trying to improve their street cred or gain that extra 2 bhp. Folks such as ourselves who spend all our cash on bigger turbo's, clutches and rebuilds, will be more interested in no frills functional kit thats cheap, and are prob outnumbered 100:1 by underpowered shopping trolleys.

GTI-R Kid said:
Speedo delimiter that DOESNT change it to MPH would be nice. :wink:
Hey GTI-R Kid, why dont you just fit a regular converter/delimiter on the speed signal out wire behind your dash instead of the signal in one? Recon this should still convert the signal to the ecu but your dash will still read in km :wink: .


Yep, they are still ongoing at the moment. I have a 'partner' now who is pretty handy with digital stuff, so this could be the beginnings of a new programmable ecu.. ;)

Been a bit busy with the site lately, but I'm still working on stuff. I'll keep you posted...


how about a antilag system?could you do sumthin like that?


Well-Known Member
anti lag is very easy to do, but there are a few legal issues involved... :( For now, the only stuff I do is 'passive', ie it monitors only and doesn't interfere with the actual running of the engine. This is to stop people running anti-lag for example, killing their turbo and then holding me liable saying it was my bit of kit that caused the problem. Same goes for fuel and ignition controllers etc. Still trying to work out a way to sell stuff like that where I won't be held liable.

You can bet your ass that some plum will try and tune there car 'by eye', blow it up, and then blame the kit. ;)


New Member
looking forward to hearing more about this stuff, i would deffinetly purchase any electronic equipment from your self than the other companies, aswell as what Cruise said, if you were to offer more support and perhaps some tuning for your equipment to our cars, i would even pay good money for that. id much rather have my car tuned by a guy who specializes in the R and knows his own devices inside out.

sounds great man, go for it! :)

ps. how about folding wing mirrors on ignition on/off? :(


Well-Known Member
maz said:
ps. how about folding wing mirrors on ignition on/off? :(
That should be pretty easy to do. I'll have a look at the circuit diagram and have a play at the weekend if I get a chance, see the easiest way to do it.

Fast Guy

Staff member
On the G meters (Performance meter?) could you make something as accurate as Datron, or even close ish?

How about some sort of replacement EDFC box with G sensors to make an active suspension set up, so when you go round corners it firms up abit, but with the option for it to also just act as EFDC ie hold a set setup :rockon: