Thinkin of selling up


New Member
micra man said:
all your comments seems to be about incest, keeping in the family freaky stuff :shock:
indeed my comments towards you inbred bunch would follow that flavour as we all know what you bog trotters get up to :shock:

micra man

diesel weasel said:
indeed my comments towards you inbred bunch would follow that flavour as we all know what you bog trotters get up to :shock:

id rather be a bog trotter , than a gobshite like you passing all those smart snide comments only a handfull of lick ass morons on here praise you for. and to have the brass balls to degrade other members cars when 90% of your pulsar is in a wheel barrow.:doh:

you my friend are a sad sad man .

no doubt this will be deleted by one of your very few kiss asses on here

micra man

do i drive a gtir? was gonna say your missus lets me drive yours when your at work but yours is in a scrap heap at the back of the old cow shed.

tell me what happens after plan a-z doesnt work out youll be on the bus to work ;-)

nuff said


New Member
micra man said:
do i drive a gtir?
i asked do you own one

the answer to which i believe is 'NO'

which makes this statement

micra man said:
you my friend are a sad sad man .
rather absurd coming from somebody that wastes alot of their time posting utter rubbish of absolutely no use to anyone on a gtir forum when they dont even own one....

micra man

i had one for 4 years so im more than qualified to pass judgment on the trials off gtir ownership. actually i still have the rear gtir emblem i will stick it to the window of my car 2nite. so im driving a piece of a gtir , wheres your gtir? 2050 unless you have plan z1
nutter utter nutter keep taking the pills lad:der:


New Member
micra man said:
i had one for 4 years
so despite owing one for 4 years you still have nothing worthwhile to contribute to the world wide gtir community other than a regular diatribe of drivel... ?

you seem to have a hang up on my car, you should really try to get over it as you currently have and will never have aboslutely any idea of what state its in, where it is, how its coming along or anything else to do with it for that matter but im glad you take so much interest in it if it keeps you amused.


I see we have yet another comedy R wannabee :doh: :roll: , Or should that be has-been :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: , Or indeed a never was been ;-) .

I suppose I must be one of your bum buddies Kieron :doh: :oops: .

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Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
thats my car!:shock: and he' s getting ginger hair all over it:evil:


micra man said:
speaking from experience id say boyo .all your comments seems to be about incest, keeping in the family freaky stuff :shock: whatever your into though weirdo:der: ;-)

he' s got you there nobber:eyebrows:

micra man said:
id rather be a bog trotter , than a gobshite like you passing all those smart snide comments only a handfull of lick ass morons on here praise you for. and to have the brass balls to degrade other members cars when 90% of your pulsar is in a wheel barrow.:doh:

you my friend are a sad sad man .

no doubt this will be deleted by one of your very few kiss asses on here

after that statement there' s no way this thread is gonna get deleted :-D :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
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New Member
micra man said:
diesel your cars a shed and you are dilusional ,
there you go again, talking about my car :roll:, seeing as its a shed you waste an awful alot of your time worrying about it :der:


New Member
micra man said:
like referencing your car cos i know it annoys the living hell out of you , now you know how the other members feel like when you spout all that usual rubbish out of that trap of yours.
why on earth do you think it annoys me ? i couldn't careless what your meaningless opinion is tbh. Its strange you think it annoys me....

Its takes aslong as it takes, other than you, who cares :lol: not me...i've sold off more parts than most people ever fit to their car and have trouble making up my mind what im doing :lol: i could've had it running back in 2005 if i'd stuck with the 3071 and quaife box but i got abit carried away.

tbh, anyone that gets upset because someone says they dont like their car or thinks its shite devserves to sit their crying over their keyboard, you should do things for yourself, not worry about others.

no wonder this site has gone to shite with buffons like you.
i think you will find it went to shte sometime towards the end of 2005 and even worse in 2006, 2006 being the year you thought you'd add your worthless drivel ;)

its a pity when gtiroc cannot fill the spaces for the ultimate racing event of the year totb anyone wanna hazard a guess.
theres an obvious reason for that, there arent enough cars with a good enough spec, simple as. There aren't enough people willing to put time effort and money into it or dont want the risk of breaking their car. The gtir is a great car, i love them but it takes a real twat to spend more on the gearbox than you can buy the base car for these days, in an attempt to get it semi competitive. If you think 10 cars dont make it to tobt cos some dickhead makes sarcastic commments on an internet forum you are way off the mark.

no skin off my b*lls seems to me your a great girl to give it but now so good at taking it.
i can honestly say, with the exception of steve pudney and maybe v pulsar once, along time ago ( a special commendation goes to them both :lol:) i have never got midly annoyed by any of this internet nonsense and you sir, are so far from acheiving it its laughable you think you have.

if i had anything better to do at work i wouldn't even be on here replying to you :roll:

micra man said:
will post pics of the evo up sunday, it has full ohlins coilovers rest is bogo should toast a few pulsars on the twisties:shock:
i'll say it before anyone else does, NOBODY is interested in your bloody evo its a gtir forum, you want the mlr for evos but my guess is they wont be that interested either after your ridiculous rant at rc :lol:

seems abit of habit of yours making yourself look like a complete bellend on car forums

beats taking the bus to work eh diesel;-)
funnily enough i do get a commuter coach into the city :shock:

i think you might be stalking me :shock: , what with your obsessive interest in my car and now with the way i get to work..
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Well-Known Member
topdoggtir said:
Kieron, mark, odin all with non running cars sad fooks.
Thats a new one on me, do you know something about my car that i dont then :lol: Im sure if i picked up the keys and went outside now it would fire up first time ;-) But as you seem to know more about it than me and said its a non runner i wont bother :roll:


New Member
topdoggtir said:
good work Micra man the faggits have met their match, bet their cru=ying now.
dont know about anyone else but i for one have been crying all day about it all :cry: :cry:

why are you making him fill so important??????Dummies
andrew is important to the gtiroc, as a source of ridicule he's almost irreplacable but i think micraman might just be the one to take over the mantle



New Member
MarkTurbo said:
Thats a new one on me, do you know something about my car that i dont then :lol: Im sure if i picked up the keys and went outside now it would fire up first time ;-) But as you seem to know more about it than me and said its a non runner i wont bother :roll:
didn't you know the mongs know everything about everything mark :lol: